Introduction to Modern Astrophysics -- Physics 489


9:10 - 10:00 a.m. MWF, Room 128A Zachry           [Spring Semester, 2007]


This course is meant for juniors and seniors. (The textbook was nominally written for juniors.)


Prerequisites: Mechanics (Physics 218 or equivalent), electromagnetism (Physics 208 or equivalent), and modern physics (Physics 309 or 222 or equivalent). [Introductory differential and integral calculus is thus also implied.]


Introduction to Modern Astrophysics was offered in the spring of 2006 for the first time in many years (with 30 students enrolled). It should, however, find an enduring place in the new astronomy program.


Instructor: Roland E. Allen

1-979-845-4341,, Room 519 Engineering/Physics Building


Office hours: 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday; or by appointment.


You will find interesting information, and many interesting websites with astronomical images, information, and news, at


The textbook is An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics, Second Edition, by Bradley W. Carroll  and Dale A. Ostlie (Addison-Wesley, 2007, ISBN 0-8053-0402-9).



Homework 40%

2 exams 40%

final exam (one-half on last part of course, one-half comprehensive) 20%


Homework is due at the beginning of class each Wednesday.


Each homework set will consist of about 5 problems from those at the end of the chapters in the textbook. Homework late by < 48 hours, 1/2 credit. Homework late by > 48 hours, no credit.


The exams will involve partial-credit problems (and questions), and will be based on (i) what is covered in class, (ii) the additional reading assignments (see below), and (iii) the homework sets (see below). The exams are a test of understanding. That is why you should understand everything once as we proceed through the course. For example, should you memorize a long formula based on the Boltzmann factor e^(-E/kT)? No. But should you understand the Boltzmann factor and how it is used? Yes. You should know the basic equations (example -- the expression for centripetal force). The more complicated results either will be worked out as you go through the exam or else will be given to you. Each exam will cover everything we have done before the exam (including the homework that has just been turned in and not yet returned graded, so you may want to keep a copy for studying).


Exams will be on Fridays: March 2 and April 13

Old representative exams (just to illustrate format -- subject matter on new exams will reflect everything covered in class, in reading, and in homework):

an Exam 1:



an Exam 2:


2 Final Exams:



An optional 10 minute talk can be given for extra credit equal to one homework set.


 Topics (taken from the chapter headings in the textbook):

1. The Celestial Sphere

2. Celestial Mechanics

3. The Continuous Spectrum of Light

4. The Theory of Special Relativity

5. The Interaction of Light with Matter

6. Telescopes [including optical, radio, infrared, ultraviolet, and x-ray]

7. Binary Systems and Stellar Parameters

8. The Classification of Stellar Spectra

9. Stellar Atmospheres

10. The Interiors of Stars

11. The Sun

12. The Interstellar Medium and Star Formation

13. Main Sequence and Post-Main-Sequence Stellar Evolution

14. Stellar Pulsation

15. The Fate of Massive Stars

16. The Degenerate Remnants of Stars

17. General Relativity and Black Holes

18. Close Binary Star Systems

19. Physical Processes in the Solar System

20. The Terrestrial Planets

21. The Realms of the Giant Planets

22. Minor Bodies of the Solar System

23. Formation of Planetary Systems

22. The Milky Way Galaxy

23  The Nature of Galaxies

24. Galactic Evolution

25. The Structure of the Universe

26. Active Galaxies

27. Cosmology

28. The Early Universe


There are also very useful appendices A-N, which even include computer codes. Those who are interested in computational science can replace some of the homework problems by one or two numerical problems in astrophysics, for which there are suggestions among the homework problems in the textbook.


As mentioned above, it is impossible to cover all this material in one semester. Fortunately the textbook is well written, so anyone with a desire to learn everything can profitably read the textbook, even though only the material covered in class, in the reading assignments, or in the homework is required.








In doing each homework problem, you often need to read the text near the equations that are cited. Below, in the hints, we use the convention that a^{b} or a^b means a to the b power (or else a superscript), and a_{b} or a_b means a subscript.


HW 1 due Wed., Jan. 24

1.1 (do for only circular motion), 1.8 (recall (1.2), (1.3), (1.4), (1.8), (1.9)), 2.4, 2.7 (a) and (d) (use (2.32) and (2.35), of course, plus Example 2.4), 2.8 (b).


HW 2 due Wed., Jan. 31

2.8, 2.3 (take the derivative of r in (2.29) with respect to time to get v_r ( in terms of d theta/dt), and then use the expression on p. 46 for d theta/dt in terms of v_theta to write v_r in terms of v_theta (and theta)), 2.9 (transform from t to theta within the integral, using the result for d theta/dt that follows from the equations on p. 46; also substitute  Kepler's third law expression for period outside the integral); 3.7, 3.9.


HW 3 due Wed., Feb. 7

3.12 (get u=5(1-e^{-u}), where u= hc/lambda kT;  then solve by iteration with an initial u=5), 3.14 (the u= hc/lambda kT substitution within the integral brings T^4 out in front), 3.15, 4.9, 4.11 (show that (Delta s')^2= (Delta s)^2; the proper time is the time in the coordinate  system where Delta x = 0, with the same for y and z).


HW 4 due Wed., Feb. 14

4.14 (rule for derivative of product also works with vectors, and v^2=v dot v with v = velocity vector; for this problem, just show that the given solution for a works), 4.15 (the formula for the acceleration becomes very simple for 1d motion, and you may use an integral table to solve the differential equation du/(1-u^2)^(3/2) = (F/mc)dt); 5.1 (see Example 5.1.1), 5.4 (see (5.4) of course), 5.14.


HW 5 due Wed., Feb. 21

6.8 (see p. 148); 7.1 (let r, r_1, and r_2 be position vectors here; (2.23) and (2.24) show that these three vectors are proportional to one another at any given time, so the masses m_1, m_2, and mu trace out ellipses with exactly the same shape -- i.e., eccentricity e; this implies that r_a/a =1+e (by (2.6)) is the same in each case; then Fig. 2.11 demonstrates that a = a_1 + a_2); 8.10, 8.13; 9.11 (use Rosseland mean opacity as the opacity kappa of p. 242).


HW 6 due Wed., Feb. 28

9.25 (delta lambda is approximately delta E/|dE/d lambda|, and we want the total delta E), 10.4 (see (8.3), and kinetic energy must exceed (10.26) x Boltzmann constant), 10.13 (E=mc^2, 1 MeV=10^6 eV, see inside front cover for constants), 10.14 (lepton number on pp. 308-309 = +1 for electron or neutrino, -1 for their antiparticles), 11.3 (see p. 248 for ionization energy of H-, (8.9) for appropriate form of Saha equation, and inside front cover as usual).




HW 7 due Wed., Mar. 7

11.12 (see (11.10)), 11.13 (see (11.9) and (11.11)), 13.5 (see p. 312), 15.8 (see very top of p. 532 for rho_0), 12.18 (a) - (c) only, with r x omega^2 added on right-hand side, and r^2 x omega = constant).


HW 8 due Wed., Mar. 21       

16.1 (long but worthwhile -- see pp. 58, 62, 183-184, 220, 558, 569-570), 16.6, 16.7 (see pp. 569-570, and recall that rho=mass/volume), 16.19 ((a+ delta a)^n=a^n(1+delta a/a)^n or approximately a^n(1+n delta a/a), with e.g. n = 2 or -1), 16.22.


HW 9 due Wed., Mar. 28

16.23, 16.25 (sin theta is approximately theta, in radians), 17.8 (see (4.27) and (4.29)), 17.9, 17.12.


HW 10 due Wed., Apr. 4       

14.3 (see (14.1) and (12.1) with m = V, as on p. 75), 14.5 (Fig. 14.7, p. 488, and p. A-11; give as approximate % of equilibrium radius), 14.6 (gamma = 5/3 for monatomic gas), 14.7 (here and in following problem, use d log(), and delta Y = delta X (dY/dX)), 14.8.


HW 11 due Wed., Apr. 11

17.14 (see (17.22), (17.27), and text below (17.28); you are integrating over the usual angular coordinates theta and phi, with dr=0),17.17,17.18,17.20,17.22.


HW 12 due Wed., Apr. 18

17.23 (integrate ()dM =()dt of course), 18.2 (see Fig. 18.1, (18.4), and (18.7); use (18.3) and (18.5) x r_2 + (18.6) x r_1 to get r), 20.16 (see (19.4), and Appendix C for Earth-Moon distance), 21.7 (recall (2.17)), 22.6.

(Stefan-Boltzmann constant sigma = pi^2 k^4 / 60 hbar^3 c^2)


HW 13 due Wed., Apr. 25

29.18 (see (29.4), (29.58), (29.60)), 29.33 (rho_{B,0} in (29.17); e.g., take ln() to get R=[function of T+(3/2) ln R]/constant, and solve by iteration), 29.34 (see (29.92), (29.20, and (27.15)), 29.31 (p. 1178 for t(10^9 K); (29.17) and (29.58); baryon density falls as 1/R^3; kinetic energy is approximately kT)), 30.1 (a=4 sigma/c).


Optional: 29.42* and 29.52* for extra credit.


Optional 10 minute talk: Tuesday, May 1 at 7:00 p.m.





These reading assignments are in addition to, and complementary to, the material that we cover in class. I.e., the course consists of (i) the material covered in class, (ii) the material in the reading assignments below, and (iii) the homework above.


PLEASE PAY PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO THE QUANTITATIVE PARTS, INCLUDING EXAMPLES AND DERIVATIONS (AND REACTIONS). You should understand each step and idea as you read. You may want to read the surrounding material for further enlightenment and enrichment, even though it is not required. Note that reading assignments (2) - (4) proceed in inverse order through the textbook, so that finally all quantities like optical depth (tau), mean free path (l), and cross section (sigma) should be understood.


(0) Saha equation and its applications, and Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and its meaning, pp. 211-224, with emphasis on the examples. Also look at Fig. 8.16 to get the flavor of the H-R diagram.


(1) "The Jeans Criterion", pp. 412-413. Also p. 419, just assuming Eq. (12.26) and equation at bottom of p. 418.


(2) "The Random Walk", pp. 252-253.


(3) "Continuum Opacity and the H- Ion", p. 248.


(4) Mean free path, "The Definition of Opacity", and "Optical Depth", pp. 240-243.


(5) "Processes That Broaden Spectral Lines", pp. 268-271, ending with Example 9.5.3.


(6) "The Nuclear Timescale" and "Quantum Mechanical Tunneling", pp. 298-302, ending just below (10.27).


(7) "Stellar Nucleosynthesis and Conservation Laws" through "The Binding Energy per Nucleon", pp. 308 - 315, ending just above middle of page. [You should understand but not memorize the reactions here and elsewhere.]








(8) "The Solar Interior", pp. 349-352.


(9) "The Solar Neutrino Problem" and "The Solar Atmosphere", pp. 356-366 (except last 2 lines).


(10) Figs. 11.23 and 11.24, and p. 373.


(11) "The Hydrodynamic Nature of the Upper Solar Atmosphere", pp. 376-379.


(12) "The Solar Cycle", pp. 381-384, and Figs. 11.35, 11.36, and 11.38.


(13) "21-cm Radiation of Hydrogen", pp. 405-406.


(14) "Interstellar Chemistry" and "The Heating and Cooling of the ISM", pp. 409-411.


(15) "H II Regions", pp. 431-432.


(16) "Late Stages of Stellar Evolution", pp. 457-464 (just getting the basic qualitative ideas).


(17) "Core-Collapse Supernovae", pp. 529-537, ending with the second paragraph.


(18) "s-Process and r-Process Nucleosynthesis" and "Gamma-Ray Bursts", pp. 542-543.


(19) Figs. 20.7-20.15 [on the Earth]


(20) "Double Neutron Star Binaries" and "Short-Hard Gamma Ray Bursts", pp. 703-705.


(21) "Big Bang Nucleosynthesis", pp. 1177-1179.



Some useful tips from previous astrophysics students:


From Anonymous: You can evaluate many integrals by going to entering the function that you want to integrate.


From Alex Cook: The computer codes which are in the book's appendices are easily found online from the book's publisher: There are the FORTRAN codes as well as some executables and sources in a few other languages.


From Tyler Morrison: I ran across a wonderful open source computer program called Stellarium.  According to the website, "Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars, or a telescope."  I've installed it and am now running it on my desktop.  I must say that it is absolutely beautiful and has a very nice user interface. the website.