

Danila Serra

Associate Professor of Economics

Texas A&M University


Current PhD Students


·       Daniel Gomez-Vasquez (Chair). Expected graduation: 2025.


·       Andre’nay Harris (Committee member). Expected graduation: 2025.


·       Miranda Lambert (Co-Chair). Expected graduation: 2026.


·       Zackary Pierce (Committee member). Expected graduation: 2026.


·       Kennedy Johnston (Chair). Expected graduation: 2027.




Past PhD Students


At Texas A&M University

·       Andy Cao (Chair)

o   Graduated in 2023. Placement: Research Analyst, Centre for Naval Analyses (CNA).

·       Nanyin Yang (Committee member).

o   Graduated in 2024. Placement: Postdoctoral fellow, University of Sydney.



At Southern Methodist University

·       Priyanka Chakraborty (Committee Member)

o   Graduated in 2020. First placement: Allegheny College.


·        Kuangli Xie (Committee Member)

o   Graduated in 2019. Placement: Square.


Courses I have taught:

·       Economics of Corruption

·       Behavioral and Experimental Economics

·       Analysis of Economic Data

·       Intermediate Microeconomics

·       Experimental Economics (PhD)

·       Behavioral Development Economics (PhD)

·       Development Economics

·       Policy Economics






[Click on picture to play]







World Bank video:

What is impact evaluation?

JPAL video:

Why Randomize?

World Bank video:

How can you randomize?











Susan Dynarski on Free tuition and university enrollment

Improving college instruction through incentives

Female role models and choice of university major


Brownback and Sadoff (2020)

{From econimate}

Porter&Serra (2020)


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Does Diversity Matter for Health?

Alsan, Garrik and Graziani (2019)

{From econimate}


Paper link

To mask or not to mask

Gillespie, Jones and Linardi (2020)


Treatment of maternal depression

Baranov et al. (2020)

{From econimate}


Paper link




Rebecca Dizon-Ross on Motivating Lifestyle Changes





Link to research brief









Market Incentives and Labor Market Investments

Stigma and take-up of labor market assistance


Burstzyn, Fujiwara and Pallais (2017)

{From econimate}

Osman and Speer (2020)





Paper link

Paper link









Cecilia Rouse on Gender Discrimination in the Labor Market


Paper link

Gender Gap in Career Advice

Gallen and Wasserman (2020)



Paper link


















Canvassing and electoral outcomes

Pons (2018)

{From econimate}


Paper link















Esther Duflo on Social Experiments to Fight Poverty

Parents’ beliefs about their children’s academic abilities

Reshaping adolescents’ gender attitudes in India


Dizon-Ross (2019)

{From econimate}

Dahr, Jain and Jayachandran (2020)





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Oriana Bandiera on “Motivating Bureaucrats”






Paper link







Anne Karing on Social Signaling and Child Immunization in Sierra Leone

{From econimate}



Paper link