I have been in Texas A&M University since 1995. I have been a Professor in the Departments of Visualization and Architecture. I am currently a professor in Visual Computing and Computation Media Section of newly created School of Performance, Visualization, and Fine Arts. I am also joint professor with Computer Science and Engineering. I received my Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1992. I am also a professional cartoonist, illustrator and caricaturist who have published more than 500 cartoons, illustrations and caricatures.
Profile: See my SIGGRAPH Member Profile for more information.
Research:My research work is interdisciplinary, usually motivated by aesthetic concerns.
I have published more than 150 papers in the areas of shape modeling, image synthesis, artistic depiction, image based lighting, texture and tiles, computer aided caricature, electrical engineering and computer aided architecture.
Teaching: I teach a wide variety of topics in covering both artistic and scientific aspects of computer graphics. The topics I usually teach include computer animation, 3D modeling, rendering, visual storytelling, image based lighting and compositing. All my courses are interdisciplinary by nature. I combine a studio approach with lectures. In my art and design courses, students also learn mathematics. In my technical computer graphics courses that are usually heavy in computer science and mathematics, students also learn aesthetics aspects of the subject.
Service: I have served more 10 years as the chair of departmental P&T Committee. I served as a chair of Faculty Senate Research Committee for four years. I have been elected and served in Faculty Senate for two terms and Council of Principal Investigators for two term. I have orgabized three conferences. I serve as editor and reviewer for many journals and conferences.