My artwork has been published in a wide variety of media such as comic magazines, news magazines, books, newspapers. Two of my research-art-works are printed in covers of proceeding. My sculptures are exhibited in Siggraph 2006. This section mainly includes samples of my hand-drawn 2D artwork and organized in 3 main categories: Caricatures, Cartoons and Illustrations.

Caricatures & Caricature Ideas

  • Caricatures by Morphing: In this work, my goal is to identify the principles of making caricatures. The caricatures in this series are done by using photoshop and a morphing program. There are two continuing projects:
    • The caricatures of the Presidents of United States which includes George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush and Bill Clinton.
    • Computer Graphics Researchers which includes Pierre Bezier, Jim Blinn, Jim Foley, Andy VanDam and Benoit Mandelbrot.
    • Extreme caricatures of Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore.
  • Animalization of Faces: In these caricatures, the main idea/challenge is to change both the face and the name of a person into the face and the name of an animal. Some of them are used in fables/stories I have written.
  • Puppet Caricatures: These caricatures are created by sawing stockings around 1985's. Ayetullah Khomeini is published in Yeni Gundem. Also includes Ronald Reagan and Turgut Ozal.
  • 3D Caricatures by Ray-Linears: The caricature of Turgut Ozal and Ronald Reagan. Note that these are from early 1990's. The challenge was to show the power of ray-linears. I lost all original images and models.
  • Collage Caricatures: These caricatures are created as a collage from magazine clippings in 1987. Saddam Hussein caricature is published in Yeni Gundem. Ronald Reagan caricature created from a picture of a hand.
  • Painted Style: These caricatures are created by painting using tempera type paint. From early 1980's.
  • Cartoon Style: These caricatures are created using my cartoon style during late 1980's.
  • Caricature From Name: These caricatures are created using character's name. Just two examples as proof of concept.


  • Rhyming Cartoons: In these relatively new approach, the goal is to show that starting with two rhyming words, we create a simple story
  • Computer Graphics Cartoons: These cartoons are used in my popular science articles on Computer Graphics in Cumhuriyet Newspaper Science & Technology section during 1997.
  • Shipwreck Cartoons: These are cartoonists' cartoons. It is said to be that you cannot make anymore shipwreck and deserted island caricature. There are four cartoons in this page.
  • Caricatures in Cartoons: Editorial cartoons and beyond.
  • Makara Cartoons: A few examples of cartoons that are published in Milliyet Newspaper's Makara section in early 1980's.
  • Bilim ve Teknik Cartoons: A few examples of weekly series that are published in Cumhuriyet Newspaper's Science & Technology section in 1987.
  • Miscellaneous: Some additional cartoons.
  • Others: I do not have copies of my cartoons published before 1984. I have huge number of cartoons published in Girgir and Ses. I also have a few published in comic magazines suc as Firt, Carsaf, Mikrop, Limon and Hibir. When I found cartoons, I will scan and include some of those.


  • Posters: These are scaled down unpublished large illustrations.
  • Cats: Some examples of cat illustrations that I have drawn for Georgia Tech International Festival.
  • Children's Book: These are a few frames from a teapot story that I have drawn and wrote. Book was published more than 25 years ago.
  • Fantastic Stories: In 1987, I have started to draw and write a few fantastic stories from NewYork published in Cumhuriyet. This is one of them scanned directly from newspaper.
  • Book Illustration: In 1987, I have started to draw and write a few fantastic stories from NewYork published in Cumhuriyet. This is one of them scanned directly from newspaper.
  • Magazine Illustration: These are illustrations I have created for news stories for Turkish news weekly magazine, Yeni Gundem.