Vist 441
Scientific & Technological Developments in Visual Arts

The course will cover the relationship between art, science and technology. There will be two main subjects. Visual arts before digital revolution and Computer Graphics Arts. The subjects related to Art before digital revolution will include, but not limited to, Ancient Egyptian vs. Ancient Greek Art Euclidean Geometry and Golden Ratio. The discovery of concept of weight, Giotto. Perspective and and early ray-tracing, Durer. Physically correct illumination, Giorgione and Titian. Introduction of anatomical studies, Leonardo DaVinci. Regular solids, Kepler and Poinsot. Discovery of oil painting, Jan Van Eyck. Using optics, Caravaggio and Vermeer. Projective geometry. Color Studies, Impressionists. Relativity of Color, Albers. Four dimension, Dali and Escher. Shape Perception, Picasso, Dali. Principles of Animation, Disney. The subjects related to Computer graphics art will include, but not limited to, Sketshpad, Sutherland. 2D Drawing, Bresenhem. 2D Painting, A. R. Smith. Hidden Surface Elimination. Shading, Gouraud and Phong. Illumination models, Lambert, Phong, Cook, Torrance and Blinn. Bump Mapping, Blinn. Texture Mapping, Catmull. Geometry Engine, Clark. Ray Tracing, Whitted. Particle Systems, A. R. Smith. L-Systems, Lindenmeyer and Prusinkiewicz. Compositing, Porter and Duff. Color Quantization, Heckbert. Radiosity, Cohen and Greenberg. Photon Mapping, Jensen. Parametric Surfaces, Coons, Bezier, De Casteljeau and De Boor. Solid Modeling, Hoffman. Implicit Surfaces, Blinn, Barr and Wyvill. Deformations, Barr. Fractal Geometry, Mandelbrot. Subdivision Surfaces, Cattmull, Clark and Sabin. Facial Animation, Parke. Principle of Animation, Lasseter.