Catalog Data: Viza 654, Digital Image (3-2). Credit 4.
Instructor: Ergun Akleman, Ph.D.
Hours: MW 08:00am - 10:05am
Office: Langford A, Room 105
Classroom: Architecture C 414
Phone Number: (979) 845-6599
E-mail: ergun dot akleman at gmail dot com
Office Hours: Open Door Policy
Description: Tools and techniques for the generation, handling and analysis of two-dimensional digital images.
Image representation and storage, display, media conversion, painting and drawing, warping,
color space operations, enhancement, filtering, and manipulation.
Just as digital sound has become the standard for high-quality audio recording, the digital
image is becoming the standard form of electronic image. Digital images have the advantages
of lossless storage, transmission, and retrieval. Their form greatly facilitates generation,
manipulation, and display within a computing environment, and they provide a natural syntax
for image representation that pervades the world of computer graphics and visualization.
Thus, an understanding of the nature, form, and technology of the digital image is essential
to a visualization practitioner.
Prerequisites: MS/PhD Status or Consent of the instructor.
Goals: This course will provide a thorough grounding in the state of the art in the treatment
of digital images, particularly within the context of computer graphics, and digital effects.
It is designed to prepare students to
- understand existing systems for storage, display, transformation and manipulation of digital images
- write their own software for working with digital images
- undertake creative work and research involving digital images
Students read, discuss, and are tested on hand-out material,
and complete a series of exercises on the computer.
Many of the exercises will involve programming and making use of graphics libraries.
Work may be done on any computer supporting C++, OpenGL and the OpenGL interface API GLUT
(OpenGL Utility Toolkit), and will involve a brief study of professional image manipulation software.
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students will know
the state of the art in the treatment of digital images in the context of computer graphics,
and digital effects. They will understand existing systems for storage,
display, transformation and manipulation of digital images, they will be able to write
their own software for working with digital images and they will be able to undertake creative work and research involving digital images
Attendance: Attendance is required.