VIZA 654 / CSCE 646 : Digital Image
Fall 2018

We will use tamu website to demonstrate class projects. You need to create a student website at Your website address will be where name is your login name for your tamu email address. For creation of tamu student websites, check out getting started page at

Once you create student website, you will create a directory called viza654 or csce646 based on which section you registered to the class. Then unzip and copy Students Course Website Template directory directly under your website directory. Click here to see how this template looks in your browser.

Lecture powerpoints created by Wei Yan is also available. I will not really use these powerpoints, however, they are useful for study guide. I recommed to download them and check. Click here to download the lecture powerpoints.

You can develop your programming project using Processing that is developed mostly for digital image applications. Click here to download a simple processing template that can read, modify, display and print an image in variety of formats.

You can also develop your programming projects using C++. Click here to download a simple C++ template that can read and write an image in variety of formats. Currently it only support windows machines since the most important library FreeImage has only windows build.

For the second project, if you want to use a complicated set operations, click here to download the program that creates set operations for a given polygon.

Multivariate Calculus Lectures by Denis Auroux. This course, which covers vector and multi-variable calculus, is useful for any computer graphics course by providing mathematical fundamentals.