- Location: Dining Room, Resident House, College Station, TX.
- Time and Weather: 3:30 PM, March 05, 2003. Indoor/Overcast.
- Lighting: A tungsten light with overcast sun lights from windows.
- Environment: White sheet on a dining table.
- Distance b/w Camera and Plate(center): 34".
- Diagonal Distance b/w Camera and Plate(center): 41" (focal length).
- Plate Height from Ground: 31.15".
- Camera Height from Ground: 56.5".
- Camera Angle: about 34 degree tilted down.
- Film size(LCD screen): W 1.5" x H 1.125".
- Zoom size: unknown (Canon digital still camera).
- Plate size: 22" x 22" (INSIDE the blue border).
- Height of the pink wood bar: 3".
- All images (unless otherwise specified) are photographed with a digital
camera at F5.6 and 1/50 sec.