I have been teaching calculus-based introductory physics classes, Mechanics and Electricity & Magnetism, since 2006. I like what I teach and try to share my excitement with the students. Despite the growing size of the classes, "I never teach a class, I teach a student". My favorite quote from students' evaluations is, "I can't help but see physics everywhere I go now." I have created over one hundred supplemental videos aiming to help students learn the material.
I am an organizer of the annual Physics and Engineering Festival attended by thousands of people from all over Texas and other states. The Festival is a member of the Science Festivals Alliance. Since 2007, I have been running the Physics Show. Over 35,000 people have attended my Shows on campus, at local schools, summer camps, and College of Science and University-wide outreach and recruitment events.
In 2012, together with Ed Fry, I started an innovative program DEEP (Discover, Explore, and Enjoy Physics & Engineering), funded from a Tier One Program grant from Texas A&M University. An outstanding team of DEEP mentors (grad students) works with undergraduate students on research, concept, design, and fabrication of science demonstration experiments. The program enhances undergraduate and graduate students' learning and research experiences by incorporating active learning, service-oriented learning, and teamwork activities.
I am a co-organizer, along with Bhaskar Dutta (director) and Alexey Belyanin), of the Mitchell Institute Physics Enhancement Program (MIPEP) for high-school physics teachers. Together with the Society of Physics Students, we run programs such as Just Add Science and Game Day Physics, where we bring our hands-on demonstrations to the places where people already are. Our graduate and undergraduate students have recorded educational videos about hands-on demonstrations for K-12 students and posted them on RealPhysicsLive.com. Recently, our team started posting short educational videos on the departmental social media platforms, for example here.
Principal Investigator, “The Role of Co-curricular Service and Outreach Activities on Persistence and Success for Undergraduate Physics Students", NSF, 2022-2025, $184,742
Faculty Lead, “Digital Design for Student Success (D2S2), THECB, 2022, $200,000", TAMU, 2021, $20,000
Principal Investigator, “Creating Physics Concept Videos", TAMU, 2021, $20,000
Principal Investigator, “STEM Student Integration and Identity through Discipline-based Outreach Activities”, TAMU, 2020, $5,000
Principal Investigator, “Online Video Resource for Recitations in the Introductory Electricity & Magnetism class”, TAMU, 2018-current, $10,000
Principal Investigator, Student Success Faculty Fellow: "Early Intervention and Engagement in Freshman Physics Classes", TAMU, 2017-2018, $10,000
Principal Investigator (with William Bassichis): "Calculus Based Physics Courses Enhanced with Technology", TAMU, 2016 - 2017, $75,000
Principal Investigator: American Physical Society Outreach grant, 2015-2016: $10,000
Principal Investigator: Simons Foundation/Science Festival Alliance Just Add Science grant, 2015-2016, $10,000
Principal Investigator: Tier One Program grant 2012-2015: $300,000. Title: "DEEP: Discover, Explore, and Enjoy Physics & Engineering via High Impact Educational Experiences in Aggieland and Beyond"
Service-Learning Faculty Fellow for 2013: $2,500.
Flipping your course for 2013-2014: $2,000
T. Erukhimova, 2024 David Halliday and Robert Resnick award for excellence in undergraduate physics teaching lecture: It's not business, it's personal. Teaching large classes, one student at a time, Am. J. Phys. 92, 910–917 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1119/5.0243729
J. D. Perry, A. Wang, C. Garrett, M. Dew, M. Head, A. Belyanin, B. Dutta, and T. Erukhimova, Mitchell Institute Physics Enhancement Program - Supporting the Development of Out-of-Field, In-Service Teachers of High School Physics, Phys. Teach. 62, 480–483 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1119/5.0142715
J. D. Perry, T. L. Erukhimova, C. Garrett, T. Sauncy, J. P. Donaldson, S. White, J. Tyler, and R. L. Ivie, Exploring Impacts of Outreach on a National Sample of Undergraduate Physics Students, 2024 Physics Education Research Conference (PERC) Proceedings, pp. 318-323, doi:10.1119/perc.2024.pr.Perry
C. Garrett, T. Erukhimova, J. Perry, and J. P. Donaldson, Broadening Student Learning through Informal Physics Programs, 2023 Physics Education Research Conference (PERC) Proceedings, pp. 108-113, doi:10.1119/perc.2023.pr.Garrett
C. Garrett, A. Wang, J. Perry, and T. Erukhimova, Improving Out-of-Field Preparation of High School Physics Teachers, J. Undergrad. Rep. Phys. 33, 100001 (2023), https://doi.org/10.1063/10.0022465
J. Randolph, J. Perry, J. P. Donaldson, C. Rethman, and T. Erukhimova, Female physics students gain from facilitating informal physics programs, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 18, 020123 (2022). https://journals.aps.org/prper/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.18.020123
C. Rethman, J. Perry, J. P. Donaldson, D. Choi, and T. Erukhimova, Impact of informal physics programs on university student development: Creating a physicist, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 17, 020110 (2021). https://journals.aps.org/prper/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.17.020110
M. Dew, J. Perry, L. Ford, W. Bassichis, and T. Erukhimova, Gendered Performance Differences in Introductory Physics: A Study from a Large Land-Grant University, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 17, 010106 (2021). https://journals.aps.org/prper/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.17.010106
M. Dew, J. Perry, L. Ford, D. Nodurft, and T. Erukhimova, Student Responses to Changes in Introductory Physics Learning due to COVID-19 Pandemic, The Physics Teacher, 59(3), 162--165, Mar 2021; https://doi.org/10.1119/5.0027816
A. Ozmetin, M. Dew, T. Erukhimova, and J. Perry, Does Instructor Gender Matter for Student Performance in Introductory Physics?, 2021 PERC Proceedings [Virtual Conference, August 4-5, 2021], edited by M. B. Bennett, B. W. Frank, and R. E. Vieyra, https://doi.org/10.1119/perc.2021.pr.Ozmetin
J. Perry, J. P. Donaldson, and T. Erukhimova, Comparing the impact of informal physics program on undergraduate versus graduate student facilitators, 2021 PERC Proceedings [Virtual Conference, August 4-5, 2021], edited by M. B. Bennett, B. W. Frank, and R. E. Vieyra, https://doi.org/10.1119/perc.2021.pr.Perry.
J. Randolph, E. Hay, C. Rethman, T. Erukhimova, J. P. Donaldson, and J. Perry, Impact of informal physics programs on female university students, 2021 PERC Proceedings [Virtual Conference, August 4-5, 2021], edited by M. B. Bennett, B. W. Frank, and R. E. Vieyra, https://doi.org/10.1119/perc.2021.pr.Randolph.
J. Perry, T. Erukhimova, and W. Bassichis, 2019: New video resource for calculus-based introductory physics, design and assessment. I. Electricity and magnetism, American Journal of Physics 87, 335 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1119/1.5095140
Gerald R. North and Tatiana L. Erukhimova, "Atmospheric Thermodynamics. Elementary Physics and Chemistry". Cambridge University Press, 2009
Publications in journals & proceedings