Mathematics 489, Sec. 502, Fall, 2005
- Announcements
- Dec. 14: Grades are posted on
WebCT Vista.
You can see the
class medians
The "Class Work" figure combines class participation points, the three
homework grades, and one point for each time you signed the attendance
The purpose of this course was to broaden your horizons, not to inculcate
testable skills. I hope you enjoyed it and benefited from it.
- Dec. 4: The final exam will be open book.
Remember to bring Schutz's green book and any other notes, books, and
written material that you desire. Please, no more than one TAMU library
book (for fairness) and no live electronics. There will not be an
explicitly "take-home" component, but some very broad hints may be dropped
in our last class session (Tuesday, 12/6).
- Dec. 4: Tomorrow (the-Monday-that-is-a-Friday) my office hour
will start at 2:30 (not 10:45). I expect to be in my office at the usual
time of 2:00-3:00 on Wednesday and Thursday.
- Nov. 21: Happy Thanksgiving! I will be out of town for a long
weekend, starting tomorrow afternoon, so I can't hold office hours on
Wednesday. Nov. 23, or Monday, Nov. 28.
Please read the key for Test B, which is now available below.
- Nov. 9: Next Math
Club meeting (Monday, Nov. 14)
- Nov. 4: Since this is the Einstein centennial year, various
journals are publishing special issues entirely devoted to relativity and
containing review or pedagogical articles. I added a list of three of
these below (after the book list).
- Oct. 10: Office hour this Thursday, Oct. 13, is
cancelled. (I will be away from Thursday afternoon through Sunday.)
The Monday office hour (Oct. 17) is rescheduled for 2:00 instead of
- Oct. 5:
geometry seminar in the physics department (Wednesdays at 4:00)
- Oct.4: Some of you may be interested in the lecture by Richard
Stanley, "An Introduction to Young Tableaux", on Monday, Oct. 10, at 4:00
in Milner 317. This should be an expository lecture aimed at first-year
graduate students. For an idea of why Young tableaus are important for
working with tensors, see this.
- Oct. 4: Math Career
Fair (Oct. 11)
- Sept. 23: I will be unable to meet the Monday morning office
hour, Sept. 26. I will be here in the afternoon (2-3 at least).
- Sept. 18: Final class roster (with new student numbers) is now
available below. New numbers are in effect on Thursday, Sept. 22.
- Sept. 16: "Permanent" office hours: M 10:45-11:45, W
2:00-3:00, R 2:00-2:50
I will usually be in the office at the "analogous" times
(F 10:45, MF 2, T 2), but with no guarantee. (At W 10:45 I have a standing
appointment with a graduate student.)
- Test solutions
- Course handout
- Please see
my home page for up-to-date office hours.
- Homework and class-discussion problems
(under construction)
- TeX file for the
electromagnetism assignment (corrected 10/23).
(Here is the TeX file again with a different name
(helpful if your browser is set up with TeXExplorer, for example).)
I apologize that occasionally you will need to purge some of my private
(For example, replacing "\zT" by "\hbox" should usually work.) LaTeX
users will need to do more work.
- Roster
- More books
- Special issues of
journals entirely devoted
to relativity
- Instructions for
WebCT Vista to check your
homework and test grades.
- Information on how to get a
in mathematics, or even a double major. Most science and engineering
majors can qualify easily.
Go to home pages:
Fulling ._._.
Calclab ._._.
Math Dept ._._.
Last updated Wed 14 Dec 05