Mathematics 489, Sec. 201/501, Spring, 2008
General Relativity and Tensors
Last updated Tue 6 May 08
Announcements (reverse chronological order)
- Final exam, Monday May 5, 8:00 a.m., is OPEN-BOOK. This means you can
bring books, notes, supplementary material of any kind, with these
- no live electronics in the room;
- no more than one book checked out of the TAMU library.
In particular, it is important to bring your copy of Chapter 8 of my
book Aspects of Quantum Field Theory in Curved Space-Time, "Some
Geometrical Apparatus". It will be referred to on the test.
The books are intended mainly as references for formulas. Any extensive
(say, sentence-sized) verbal copying should be in quotation marks with the
source indicated.
- Next
Next Math Club meeting (Tuesday, April 29 -- movie)
- Math Awareness Lecture, "Mathematics and
Voting" (Monday, April 28, 6:30 p.m., BLOC 156)
- Two messages about the Duke summer program
(summer job opportunity)
- In grading your rough drafts of the E&M paper, I may have told some of
you something wrong about part 12 ("... obtain the Lorentz force ... Be
careful about the factors of gamma.") If what I wrote on your paper is
inconsistent with an E&M textbook such as Jackson, believe the book.
(In the first edition of Jackson, the relevant page is 405 and the section
is 12.5. Look in index under "Lorentz force equation in covariant
Also, in part 14, don't overreact to the command "Show that this
generalizes to arbitrary rotation matrices." A verbal argument explaining
why it was enough to consider the z axis case should suffice.
- This Thursday (6 March): Colloquium on
black holes
- Below I have posted the TeX file for the
electromagnetism assignment,
in case you want to import some of the questions into your own document.
- Revised schedule for electromagnetism paper
- Rough draft due Friday, 29 Feb.
Format of your choice: handwritten, printed, or e-mail.
(If e-mailed, please convert to PDF or PS rather than sending a
proprietary word processor file, such as .doc.)
- Final version due Monday, 24 March.
(21 March is a holiday.)
- New notes on the relation between matrix inverses
and index shuffling
- Notes on div, grad, and curl in
curvilinear coordinates
- Probable permanent office hours:
M 2:00-2:50, R 10:00-11:00, F 10:20-11:10.
- Office hours for week Jan. 28 - Feb. 1:
Tentatively the same as last week: T 2, R 10, F 10:30.
I will be hosting a research visitor from Mexico, so I may not be able to
meet all these hours.
- The instructions for the electromagnetism paper are now posted below,
and I've revised the handout to reflect reality. However, DO NOT
print them out today, because you will get paper copies in class very
- First meeting of the honors section will be Thursday, 24 Jan., 11:15
a.m., at or outside my office (BLOC 620H).
- Office hours for week Jan. 22-25: T 2, R 10, F 10:30 (for about
an hour each time).
- Notes on hyperbolic functions and the
twin paradox
- Office hour Wed. Jan. 16 will start at 3:00 (not 2:00 as previously
- Solution to Exercise 1.3
Test solutions
Course handout (revised 23 Jan)
Electromagnetism paper ._._.
Here's the TeX file.
I apologize that occasionally you will need to purge some of my private
(For example, replacing "\zT" by "\hbox" should usually work.) LaTeX
users will need to do more work.
Tensor homework
Prioritization of exercises
The latest
observational cosmology, with an executive summary by our local
More books on relativity
Special issues of journals entirely devoted
to relativity
Old course home page
Go to home pages:
Fulling ._._.
Calclab ._._.
Math Dept ._._.