Tian Guoqiang's Publication in Books

Zhejiang , China 1994

Publications in Books

    1. "Breaking Up is Hard to Do: The Theory of Property Rights in Transitional Economies; The Socio-Economic Transformation: Getting Closer to What?, eds by Z. Nahorski, j.W. Owsinski, and T. Szapir, Macmillan Publishing House, forthcoming.
    2. "Dilemmas, Causalities, and Solution to China's Economic Depression; in the Proceedings of Symposium on the 21st Century China and the Challenge of Sustainable Development, China's Youth Press, 2000, pp. 139-149.
    3. "Comparative Studies of Pension Systems and China's Options; Social Security Reform in China, ed. By D. Xu, Z. Yin, and Y. Zheng, Economic Science Press, 1999, pp. 103-117.
    4. "Reforms of State-Owned Enterprise: What Kind of Privatization?," Dilemmas of Reform in Jiang Zemin's China, ed by A. Nathan, Z. Hong, and S. Smith, Renner Publishers, 1999, 114-134.
    5. "Stock-Sharing Reforms of State-Owned Enterprises and Smooth Institutional Transition in ChinaThe Trend of China's Political and Economic Reforms at the Turn of the Century, ed by X. Cheng, Mordern China Publishers, Princeton, 1999, 272-285.
    6. "State-Owned Enterprise Reform and Smooth Institutional Transition in China -- A Three-Stage Economic Reform Method," The Reformability of China's State Sector}, ed by G. J. Wen and D. Xu, World Scientific, 1996, 220-240.
    7. "China's Economic Reform and Smooth Institutional Transition," In Search of A Chinese Road Towards Modernization, ed by J. Hu, Z. Hong, and E. Stavrou, The Edwin Mellen Press (Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter), 1996, 22-46.
    8. "On the Pattern and Steps of China's SOE Reform and Smooth Transition of Economic System," Reform of State Owned Enterprises in China, ed by T. Xu and J. Wen, China Economic Publishing House, 1996, 123-151 (in Chinese).
    9. "The Property Right Structure of Chinese Township-Village Enterprises and Its Reform," in Chinese Township-Village Enterprises: Experience, Nature, and Reforms, eds. by Y. Wang and W. Hai, China Industry and commerce Associated Press, 1995 (in Chinese).
    10. "Comparison of Privatization in Russia and China's Economic Reform," in Russian Economy in Transition, ed. by Wen Hai, China Industry and Commerce Associated Press, 1995 (in Chinese).
    11. "Economic Mechanism Design and Information Economics", in Modern Economics and China's Economic Reform, ed. by G. Yi, Shanghai People Press, 1995, 313-358.
    12. "Privatization of Government-Run Enterprises in Taiwan and the Ownership Reform in Mainland," in Taiwan Experiences and the Economic Reform in China, ed. by G. Yi, 1994, 67-83 (in Chinese).
    13. "Closed-Form Solution of General Intertemporal Consumption Maximization Models," (with John S. Chipman), Mathematical Modeling in Economics, eds. by W. Erwin Diewert, Klaus Spremann, and Frank Stehling, Springer, 1993, 95-109.
    14. "Estimating Price Responses of German Imports and Exports," (with John S. Chipman, Angelika Eymann, and Gerd Ronning), in European Integration in the World Economy, ed. by Hans-Jurgen Vosgerau, Springer-Verlag, 1992, pp. 574-637.
    15. "Stochastic Specification and Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Linear Expenditure System," (with John S. Chipman), in Advances in Econometrics and Modeling, ed. by Baldev Raj, Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics Vol. 15 (1989), pp. 131-142.
    16. "A Class of Dynamic Demand Systems," (with John S. Chipman), in Advances in Econometrics and Modeling, ed. by Baldev Raj, Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics Vol. 15 (1989), pp. 93-116.
    17. "Incentive, Information, and the Theory of Economic Mechanism Design," The Frontiers of Modern Economics, Vol. I, eds by M. Tand and Y. Mao, Shanwu Press, Beijing, 1989, 31-60 (in Chinese).

Guoqiang Tian Books
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