Learning and Overconfidence Bias: Evidence from US College Debaters Overconfidence
in one’s abilities does not seem to be tempered by experience, suggesting
that overconfidence serves an evolutionary purpose. Compte and Postlewaite
(2004) argue that if confidence improves performance, the welfare maximizing
learning technology ignores some negative information and overconfidence is
optimal. This theory suggests that peoples’ self-assessments should improve
over time, converging to a biased level. We test this claim among university
debaters, and find that while experienced debaters are no less biased than
inexperienced debaters, their predictions are half as noisy around this biased
level. Debaters, a group for whom confidence is critical for performance, learn
over time; but they never learn that they are not as good as they think they
are. We therefore provide some evidence of the origin for this widespread
behavioral bias. |