Welcome to MGBTL!
Welcome to the Manufacturing-, Geo- & Bioinspired-Tribology Lab (MGBTL) website. This is the web portal of the research group of Dr. Mathew Kuttolamadom (Dr. K). We are located at the 5,200 acre flagship campus of Texas A&M University (TAMU) in College Station, TX. TAMU is a land, sea, and space grant public institution which is the 6th largest university in the United States, and ranks among the nation's top 20 tier-1 research institutions.
The overarching research focus of our group is to elucidate the fundamental nature of friction and wear in harsh tribosystems in order to enable durable and resilient material interfaces/surfaces. Of particular interest is the design and manufacture of bioinspired functionally-graded material systems so as to tailor their concurrent intended function and degradation, and to forensically map their surface tribological and sub-surface structural responses to thermomechanical input stimuli. Application areas span the manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, defense, healthcare, pharmaceutical and energy industries, as well as for Oil & Gas bit-rock interaction studies.
In this regard, we draw our inspirations from nature and attempt to emulate and re-engineer her innovative strategies for sustainable solutions, and thus strive to advance the bioinspired-intersection of manufacturing, materials and tribology.
Lab News:
- Elsevier book chapter on 3D printing for personalized medicine has been published (Link) [11/19]
- Congrats to Yash Parikh for completing his internship at ORNL-MDF, & profiled by TAMU (Link) [10/19]
- Congrats to the NSF-REU, RET & ITEST cohorts for completing & presenting their projects (Link) [8/19]
- Journal article on SLS 3D printing of pharmaceuticals published in the Int. J. Pharm. (Link) [8/19]
- Awarded an NSF-ATE grant ($480K) for educating the workforce in Smart Manufacturing (Link) [7/19]
We would like to acknowledge the following sponsors for supporting our work