South Central Seminar in the History of Early Modern Philosophy
Eighteenth Annual Meeting
Hendrix College
Bertie Wilson Murphy Bldg Seminar Room
Conway, AR
November 17-18, 2017
Click on paper title for abstract.
Friday, November 17
Gideon Manning, Claremont Graduate University
“Descartes’s Human Body Problem”
Steven Dezort, Texas A&M University
“Locke’s Aesop Fables as a Primer for Moral Demonstration”
7:00 Conference Dinner
Saturday, November 18
Galen Barry, Iona College
“A Puzzle about Inference in Spinoza”
Andrew Youpa, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
“Spinoza’s Friendship Ethics”
Matthew Wurst, University of Toronto
“Leibniz on the Asymmetries Between Divine and Human Freedom”
Tobias Flattery, Notre Dame University
“Worlds-Apart, Causal Independence, and Existential Independence in Leibniz’s
Metaphysics: A Partial Defense of the Lawful Approach”
Timothy Yenter, University of Mississippi
“Ether/Orb: Scottish Newtonians on Causes and Gravity”
Daniel Collette, St Norbert College
“Hume’s Pascalian Antidote: Skepticism and its Skeptical Solutions”
Rudmer Bijlsma, University of Lausanne
“Alienation in Commercial Society: The Republican Perspective of Rousseau and
All sessions will be held in the Bertie Wilson Murphy Building (#8 on map) Seminar Room (click for campus map). Gideon Manning will also be speaking on “Death: A History” on Thursday night (Nov. 16), 7:00 p.m., at the Mills Center (#10). Questions should be directed to the conference organizer: