Anne J. Shiu

I am a Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Texas A&M University.
I received a Ph.D. in 2010 in Mathematics with designated emphasis in genomic and computational biology from the University of California Berkeley. My advisors were Bernd Sturmfels and Lior Pachter. During 2010-2011, I was an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Mathematics at Duke University. During 2011-2014, I was an NSF Postdoc and L.E. Dickson Instructor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Chicago.

Teaching: Past Teaching:
Listed here.

Directed Reading Program
With Jordy Lopez Garcia and Crystal Farris, I am organizing a Directed Reading Program. Here is the poster.
Research Experience for Undergraduates:
Research interests:
Algebraic, geometric, and combinatorial approaches to mathematical biology; biochemical dynamical systems; neural coding; parameter identifiability; algebraic statistics; genomics.

Link to my papers on the ArXiv.

Papers by undergraduate students under my mentorship:

More about me:

My research group:
Photo (April 2019)

Ph.D. students: Graduated Ph.D. students: Postdocs: Former Postdocs:

Editorial work:

Upcoming Workshops and Conferences:

Past Workshops and Conferences:
Listed here.

Past events organized:

Upcoming Talks:
Past Talks:
Listed here.

Previous activities:

Older Projects:

Recognition: Current support: Prior support: