Hyperseeing: Proceedings of Shape Creation Using Layouts, Programs, & Technology (SCULPT) 2023
Pages 25–37
Regular Papers
The interest in compliant mechanisms is on the rise, in recent years, mostly due to the introduced abilities of additive manufacturing that are able to fabricate highly complex compliant mechanisms, via 3D printing. Yet, so far, the focus in this area has been on the functionality of individual compliant mechanisms. This work presents a framework to design whole freeform macro-shape microstructure compliant mechanisms, possibly heterogeneous, using compliant mechanism tiles embedded in the macro-shapes. By employing a conforming placement algorithm of compliant mechanism tiles in the macro-shape, a model that serves as a whole compliant microstructure mechanism model can be formed, while preserving the integrity of the individual tiles. Further, different compliant mechanism tiles can be placed in different locations in the microstructure, and as a result, a heterogeneous macro-model compliant microstructure mechanism can be formed, with the desired physical behavior. This work aims to expose and exemplify the potential of this design paradigm, potential that will be demonstrated by several fabricated examples, with the aid of 3D printing.