Math 641-600 Midterm Review — Fall 2024
The midterm will consist of an in-class part, which will be given on
Wednesday, Oct. 9, and a take-home part. It will cover sections 1.1-1.3,
2.1, 2.2.1-2.2.3. It will also cover the material done in class and
from the
notes on my web page, up to and including the notes on Fourier
The in-class part of the midterm will consist of the following:
statements of theorems and definitions; short problems or propositions
to homework
problems or examples done in class; and either a critical part or
sketch of a proof for one of the major theorems proved.
The take-home test will have longer computations, proofs, or
problems. It is due at 4 pm on Wednesday, October 16, 2019.
Linear algebra
Inner products & norms
- Subspaces, orthogonal complements
- Orthogonal sets of vectors, the Gram-Schmidt procedure
- Least squares, minimization problems, projections, normal
Self-adjoint matrices & their properties
- Spectral theorem
- Estimation of eigenvalues
- Maximum principle
- The Courant-Fischer theorem; be able to sketch a proof.
Function spaces
- Banach
spaces and Hilbert spaces
- Convergent sequences, Cauchy sequences, complete spaces - Hilbert
spaces and Banach spaces.
- Special (complete) spaces — $\ell^p, L^p\ (1 \le p \le
\infty),\ C[a,b], C^k[a,b]$, and Sobolev space $ H^1[a,b]$. Be able
to prove completeness for the spaces given in the notes or in
homework assignments.
- Orthonormal
sets and expansions
- Minimization problems, least squares, normal equations
- Complete sets of orthogonal/orthonormal functions, Parseval's
identity, other conditions equivalent to completeness of a set
- Dense sets and completeness
- Completeness of polynomials in L2, orthogonal
polynomials; be able to establish completeness for specific sets of
orthogonal polynomials.
- Lebesgue Integration
- Lebesgue measure, Lebesgue integral, sets of measure 0 and
Lp spaces
- Density of continuous functions in Lp[a,b], 1 ≤ p <
- Monotone convergence theorem and dominated convergence theorem
(skip Fubini's theorem)
- Minimization problems, least squares, normal equations
- Complete sets of orthogonal/orthonormal functions, Parseval's
identity, other conditions equivalent to completeness of a set
- Dense sets and completeness
- Completeness of polynomials in L2, orthogonal
polynomials; be able to establish completeness for specific sets of
orthogonal polynomials.
Approximation of continuous functions
- Modulus of continuity, linear spline approximation; be able prove
that $\|f- s_f\|\le \omega(f,\delta)$.
- Bernstein polynomials. Be able to define these and to show that
they span the appropriate space of polynomials.
- Weierstrass Approximation Theorem. Be able to sketch a proof,
given necessary properties of the Bernstein polynomials.
Fourier series
- Be able to find the Fourier series for a given function and to
use Parseval's equation to sum series or estimate $L^2$ errors.
- Riemann-Lebesgue Lemma. Be able to prove it.
- Pointwise convergence of Fourier series. Be able to sketch a proof of it.
- Completeness of $\{e^{inx}\}_{n=-\infty}^\infty$ in
$L^2[-\pi,\pi]$. Be able to sketch a proof of it.
Updated 10/1/2024 (fjn).