T. Hangelbroek, F. J. Narcowich and J. D. Ward, Kernel Approximation on Manifolds I. Bounding the Lebesgue Constant, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 42 (2010) 1732-1760.
F. J. Narcowich, X. Sun, J. D. Ward and Z. Wu, LeVeque type inequalities and discrepancy estimates for minimal energy configurations on spheres, J. Approx. Theory, 162 (2010), 1256-1278.
H. N. Mhaskar, F. J. Narcowich, J. Prestin and J. D. Ward, Lp Bernstein estimates and approximation by spherical basis functions, Math. Comp., 79 (2010), 1647-1679.
E. J. Fuselier, F. J. Narcowich, J. D. Ward, and G. B. Wright, Error and Stability Estimates for Surface-Divergence Free RBF Interpolants on the Sphere, Math. Comp., 78 (2009), 2157-2186.
Albert Boggess and Francis J. Narcowich, A First Course in Wavelets with Fourier Analysis, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2009. ISBN 978-0-470-43117-7.
F. J. Narcowich, J. D. Ward, and G. B. Wright, Divergence-free RBFs on Surfaces, J. Fourier Anal. Appl., 13 (2007), 643-663.
F. J. Narcowich, X. Sun, J. D. Ward, and H. Wendland, Direct and Inverse Sobolev Error Estimates for Scattered-Data Interpolation via Spherical Basis Functions, Found. Comput. Math., 7 (2007), 369-390.
F. J. Narcowich, X. Sun, and J. D. Ward, Approximation Power of RBFs and Their Associated SBFs: A Connection, Adv. Comput. Math., 27 (2007), 107-124.
F. J. Narcowich, P. Petrushev, and J. D. Ward, Decomposition of Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces on the sphere, J. Funct. Anal., 238 (2006), 530-564.
F. J. Narcowich, P. Petrushev, and J. D. Ward, Localized Tight Frames on Spheres, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 38 (2006), 574-594.
Q. T. Le Gia, F. J. Narcowich, J. D. Ward, and H. Wendland, Continuous and Discrete Least-Squares Approximation by Radial Basis Functions on Spheres, J. Approx. Theory, 143 (2006), 124-133.
F. J. Narcowich, J. D. Ward, and H. Wendland, Sololev Error Estimates and a Bernstein Inequality for Scattered-Data Interpolation via Radial Basis Functions, Constr. Approx., 24 (2006) 175-186. DOI 10.1007/s00365-005-0624-7, URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00365-005-0624-7.
F. J. Narcowich, Recent Developments in Error Estimates for Scattered-Data Interpolation via Radial Basis Functions, Numer. Algorithms, 39 (2005), 307-315.
F. J. Narcowich, J. D. Ward, and H. Wendland, Sololev Bounds on Functions with Scattered Zeros, with Applications to Radial Basis Function Surface Fitting, Math. Comp., 74 (2005), 743-763.
F. J. Narcowich and J. D. Ward, Scattered-Data Interpolation on Rn: Error Estimates for Radial Basis and Band-limited Functions, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 36 (2004), 284-300.
F. J. Narcowich, J. D. Ward, Preface [Computation and approximation on the sphere], Adv. Comput. Math. 21 (2004), no. 1-2, 1--2.
H. N. Mhaskar, F.J. Narcowich and J. D. Ward, On the representation of band-dominant functions on the sphere using finitely many bits, Adv. Comput. Math., 21 (2004), 127-146.
F. J. Narcowich, J. D. Ward, and H. Wendland, Refined Error Estimates for Radial Basis Function Interpolation, Constr. Approx., 19 (2003), 541-564.
H. N. Mhaskar, F. J. Narcowich, and J. D. Ward, Zonal function network frames on the sphere, Neural Networks, 16 (2003) 183-203.
R. A. Lorentz, F. J. Narcowich, and J. D. Ward, Collocation Discretizations of the Transport Equation with Radial Basis Functions, Appl. Math. Comput., 145 (2003), 97-116.
F. J. Narcowich and J. D. Ward, Scattered-Data interpolation on the Sphere: Error Estimates and Locally Supported Basis Functions, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 33 (2002), 1393-1410.
F. J. Narcowich, N. Sivakumar, and J. D. Ward, On convergent interpolatory processes associated with periodic-basis functions, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 68 (2002), 133-161.
H. N. Mhaskar, F. J. Narcowich, N. Sivakumar, and J. D. Ward, Approximation with Interpolatory Constraints, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 130 (2002), 1355-1364.
F. J. Narcowich, R. Schaback, and J. D. Ward, Approximation in Sobolev spaces by kernel expansions, J. Approx. Theory, 114 (2002) 70-83.
Albert Boggess and Francis J. Narcowich, A First Course in Wavelets with Fourier Analysis, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2001. ISBN 0-13-022809-5.
H. N. Mhaskar, F. J. Narcowich, and J. D. Ward, ``Representing and Analyzing Scattered Data on Spheres,'' Multivariate Approximation and Applications, edited by N. Dyn, D. Leviatan, D. Levin, and A. Pinkus, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U. K., 2001.
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H. N. Mhaskar, F. J. Narcowich, J. Prestin, and J. D. Ward, Polynomial frames on the sphere, Adv. Compt. Math., 13 (2000), 387-403.
H. N. Mhaskar, F. J. Narcowich, and J. D. Ward, Quasi-interpolation in shift invariant spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 251 (2000) 356-363.
T. H. O'Donnell, F. J. Narcowich, H.L. Southall, and J. D. Ward, ``Multiple source direction finding with reduced training and increased generalization,'' in proceedings of the Millenium Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 9 - 14 April 2000, Davos, Switzerland; ESA publication SP-444.
H. N. Mhaskar, F. J. Narcowich, and J. D. Ward, Approximation Properties of Zonal Function Networks Using Scattered Data on the Sphere, Adv. Comput. Math., 11 (1999) 121-137.
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N. Dyn, F.J. Narcowich and J.D. Ward, Variational Principles and Sobolev-Type Estimates for Generalized Interpolation on a Riemannian Manifold, Constr. Approx., 15 (1999) 175-208.
F. J. Narcowich, N. Sivakumar, and J. D. Ward, Stability Results for Scattered-Data Interpolation on Euclidean Spheres, Adv. Comp. Math., 8 (1998) 137-163.
F. J. Narcowich, Recent Developments in Approximation via Positive Definite Functions, in Approximation Theory IX, Volume 2: Computational Aspects, C. K. Chui and L. Schumaker (eds.), Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, TN, 1998, pp. 221-242.
N. Dyn, F.J. Narcowich and J. D. Ward, A Framework for Interpolation and Approximation on a Riemannian Manifold, Approximation Theory and Optimization: Tributes to M. J. D. Powell ed. by M. D. Buhman and A. Iserles, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U. K., 1997.
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F. J. Narcowich and J. D. Ward, Nonstationary Spherical Wavelets for Scattered Data, in Approximation Theory VIII, vol. 2: Wavelets and Multilevel Approximation, pp. 301-308, Charles K. Chui and Larry L. Schumaker, eds., World Scientific, Singapore, 1995.
F. J. Narcowich, P. W. Smith, and J. D. Ward, Density of Translates of Radial Functions on Compact Sets, in Approximation Theory VIII, vol. 2: Wavelets and Multilevel Approximation, pp. 301-308, Charles K. Chui and Larry L. Schumaker, eds., World Scientific, Singapore, 1995.
F.J. Narcowich, Generalized Hermite Interpolation and Positive Definite Kernels on a Riemannian Manifold, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 190 (1995), 165-193.
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A. J. Kurdila, J. L. Junkins, L. Kealey, F. J. Narcowich, and M. Bakich, Approximation of Poincaré Sections Arising in Attitude Control, pp. 1721-1735 in Astrodynamics 1991, Part III, ed. by B. Kaufman et al., Univelt, San Diego, CA, 1992.
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