As an example (not a prescription) of how the FC freshman calculus curriculum can be implemented, we present here a daily record of the classes taught by S. A. Fulling during Fall 1997 and Spring 1998. In some instances these "diary entries" were written in advance and served as lecture notes; in others they were reconstructed after the fact. Added remarks in ALL CAPS label plans that were not executed because of shortage of time, or attempt to evaluate the success or failure of various pedagogical strategies. (Frequently, pidgin TeX syntax is used for mathematical expressions.) The paper version includes photocopies of some overhead transparencies used or written in the course of the classes.
For a variety of reasons, the day-to-day content of the classes does not correspond exactly to the syllabi in Part One. This is especially so for the fall semester, which matched only approximately the Spring 1998 version taught by D. L. Barrow; in particular, he reversed the order of topics 4 and 5 to improve the coordination with the physics syllabus.
List of teaming, active learning, and assessment activities
Review and Test 1a (Day 3.3)
Review and Test 1b (Day 5.3)
Review and Test 2 (Day 8.3)
Review and Test 3 (Day 12.3)
Review and Test 4 (Day 19.R)
Review and Test 5 (Day 23.R)
Review and Test 6 (Day 27.R)