Math. 311 Spring 2000 HOMEWORK SUMMARY REPORT Assignment number: 4 Problem number: 3.4.9 Number of papers received: 3 Reviewing committee (Greek letter): Lambda List all participating members: Paul McWhorter Rich Skinner Author[s] of paper[s] chosen for publication: [Alisa Marshall] Comments: Good papers all around, although not everyone wrote down the questions or had good explainations for every solution. Only one student did part d, I guess it wasn't assigned. When it came to calculating the directional derivative, some students used the unit direction vector, and some only used the given direction vector. I believe the question in the book, or the book itself may have made a poor distinction between what vector should be used. INSTRUCTOR'S COMMENT: I thought this distinction was already beaten to death in Sec. 2.4. "The directional derivative in the direction of ..." calls for the rate of change per unit displacement in that direction, so the unit vector should be used. (Just as in one dimension, the derivative of something is the linear approximation to the effect of a change of the variable by one unit, no matter how large an actual change occurs in some scenario.)