David W. Sutherland _________________________________________________________ dws3963
Week 4____________________________________________________________________3.4.3
Consider the function defined by:
> with(linalg):x=cosh(u)*cos(v);y=sinh(u)*sin(v);
Warning, new definition for norm
Warning, new definition for trace
Put this in vector form:
> A:=vector([cosh(u)*cos(v),sinh(u)*sin(v)]);
Note that the Jabcobian is given by
> a:=matrix(2,2,[dx/du,dx/dv,dy/du,dy/dv]);
This can be calculated by hand, but in this case it is easier to use Maple.
> jac:=jacobian(A, [u,v]);
Now substitute u=1 and v=0 into the jacobian to find the differential matrix. This gives the differential:
> differential:=matrix(2,2,[sinh(1),0,0,sinh(1)]);
> evalf(%);
b. Find the affine approximation to F at Uo
This approximation is given by F(u)=f(Uo)+f '(Uo)(U-Uo). Note that the f '(Uo) term is the differential calculated in a) and f(Uo) is given by u=0 and v=1 subbed into the original function.
> F(Uo):=matrix(2,1,[cosh(1)*cos(0),sinh(1)*sin(0)]);
> Fprime(Uo):=matrix(2,2,[sinh(1),0,0,sinh(1)]);
So, the approximation is:
> F(u):=F(Uo)+Fprime(Uo)*(u-matrix(2,1,[1,0]));
where "u" is a 2 X 1 matrix close to [1 0].