M 311 Spring 2004 HOMEWORK SUMMARY REPORT Chapter number: 1 Section number: 4 Exercise number: 5 Number of papers received: 2 Reviewing committee: Theta List all participating committee members: Xujia Zhang, Jason Madsen, Scott McClelland Author(s) of paper(s) chosen for publication: Zac Robinson [and Kathryn Turner] Comments: Both papers were good solutions to the problem with a few minor errors. K-Turner2's paper gave detailed background information into the problem; however, there was a major error in the solution. The other paper did not provide as much detailed background information, but was easier to follow and mathmatically correct. We choose this paper for publishing with a few minor revisions to help clairfy the solution to the reader. GRADER'S COMMENT: I would pick Robinson with revision for (a), Turner with revision for (b).