M 311 Spring 2004 HOMEWORK SUMMARY REPORT Chapter number: 1 Section number: 4 Exercise number: 6 Number of papers received: 2 Reviewing committee: Iota List all participating committee members: Nicole Clark, Allison DenBleyker Author(s) of paper(s) chosen for publication: Mich[ae]l Shelby Comments: The responses of both [authors] to problem 1.4.6 were excellent. They clearly demonstrated all the steps necessary to obtain the answers to the different questions, and both contained completely correct mathematics and answers. We would recommend that Mr. Shelby's be posted on the internet as part of the solutions manual, as it was easy to comprehend, and very straightforward. [The other], although very good, would be a little more difficult to understand and follow if the reader were unfamiliar with programming in Maple. GRADER'S COMMENT: Shelby's paper needs some small revisions.