M 311 Spring 2004 HOMEWORK SUMMARY REPORT Chapter number: 2 Section number: 1 Exercise number: 15 Number of papers received: 3 Reviewing committee: Zeta List all participating committee members: Ashley Pagnotta, Zac Robinson Author(s) of paper(s) chosen for publication: We chose Brian Young's part a) and Zach Olson's part b) for publication. Comments: All of these papers were correct and seemed to indicate a basic understanding of the math. None of them as a whole were exceptional, though, which is why we chose a combination for publication. Brian's part a) is very well explained and easy to follow. Perhaps he could transfer it into TeX or LyX to make it easier to post online. Zach's part b) is also very well done, but perhaps could use a little more clarification (in words, not just equations), that a non-colinear vector does not have to be orthogonal. The other paper was also well done, just more difficult to follow.