M 311 Spring 2004 HOMEWORK SUMMARY REPORT Chapter number: 3 Section number: 5 Exercise number: 7 Number of papers received: 3 Reviewing committee: Eta List all participating committee members: ..., Amanda Coots Author(s) of paper(s) chosen for publication: [Jason Madsen] Comments: [...]'s paper was completely correct. The only suggested improvement was to include further explanation and the revised function of T, but this is optional. Of the other papers, one did not address the question posed and the other did not appear to be correct. GRADER'S AND INSTRUCTOR'S COMMENTS: Upon examination, the originally chosen paper also did not address the question posed. None of the papers did. The point is that the left side of the equation should have a total derivative (dT/dx, where x labels a point on the path) whereas the right has a partial derivative, so they do not cancel.