M 311 Spring 2004 HOMEWORK SUMMARY REPORT Chapter number: 4 Section number: 4 Exercise number: 9 Number of papers received: 2 Reviewing committee: Iota List all participating committee members: Kathryn Nicole Clark, Allison DenBleyker Author(s) of paper(s) chosen for publication: [Zachary Olson and] Scott McClelland Comments: Both papers had the same error: switching parts a and b. In part a, they were supposed to find a matrix for taking coordinates with respect to beta, and converting them into coordinates with respect to epsilon. Part b was the reverse of this problem statement. Unfortunately they swapped parts a and b. Other than that, they were both good papers, and we recommend them for publication after they correct their errors. GRADER'S COMMENT: Actually, it was the reviewers who made the switch; the papers were correct. I think Scott's is easier to follow.