M 311 Spring 2004 HOMEWORK SUMMARY REPORT Chapter number: 4 Section number: 5 Exercise number: 12 Number of papers received: 5 Reviewing committee: Kappa List all participating committee members: Brian Young, Randall McClelland Author(s) of paper(s) chosen for publication: Xujia Zhang Comments: Mr. Zhangs paper was chosen because it was the only correct solution. Though all of the papers were close to the correct solution, many were misled by the solution online, which is incorrect. The paper is sufficiently clear, and thus it was chosen to be published. GRADER'S COMMENT: This is not a difficult problem. If B is the coordinate transformation from b to natural and B' is the coordinate transformation from b' to natural (both of which are transparent), and A is the original matrix, the new matrix is B'^{-1}BAB^{-1}B'.