M 311 Spring 2004 HOMEWORK SUMMARY REPORT Chapter number: 5 Section number: 1 Exercise number: 2 Number of papers received: 3 Reviewing committee: Zeta List all participating committee members: Ashley Pagnotta, Zac Robinson Author(s) of paper(s) chosen for publication: [Michael Shelby] Comments: Two of the papers we received were great. They were easy to follow and the logic was clear. We chose [...]'s paper to be published because she included an example and a few more technical details. The third paper we got was very difficult to understand. We can't even actually tell if it is correct, although it seems to be. The writing is very unclear and the logic is difficult to follow. INSTRUCTOR'S COMMENT: I didn't think the chosen paper was correct; it seemed to confuse subspaces with particular vectors in those subspaces. Michael's argument is correct for finite-dimensional spaces. However, there is a much simpler and more general argument: We want to prove that any subspace that contains the original vectors contains their entire span. But the vectors in the span are linear combinations of the original vectors, so by definition of "subspace" they must be there!