M 311 Spring 2004 HOMEWORK SUMMARY REPORT Chapter number: 5 Section number: 1 Exercise number: 8 Number of papers received: 7 Reviewing committee: Theta List all participating committee members: Xujia Zhang,Jason Madsen Author(s) of paper(s) chosen for publication: Kathryn Turner [and Amanda Coots and Brian Young] Comments: Seven papers were received for problem 5.1.8. All of them are correct. Three different methods were used by the authors to solve this problem. Among them, Kathryn Turner did a very good job with explaning how to solve this problem step-by-step, and that's why her paper was chosen for publication. GRADER'S COMMENT: Many papers checked the expression for linearity without even mentioning the solution set. I think this doesn't really answer the question. INSTRUCTOR'S COMMENT: Since there are three different methods, I'll publish all three. The methods are: 1. Check the expression for linearity and draw the correct conclusion about the solution set. 2. Show an explicit counterexample to closedness under the algebraic operations. 3. Find a parametric representation of the solution set.