M 311 Spring 2004 HOMEWORK SUMMARY REPORT Chapter number: 6 Section number: 2 Exercise number: 4 Number of papers received: 2 Reviewing committee: alpha List all participating committee members: Tristan Brown, James Macfarlane Author(s) of paper(s) chosen for publication: Kathryn Turner Comments: Both students seem to understand the basic idea for the Gram-Schmit process. The only problems seemed to be small algebraic mistakes and inconsistent labeling. GRADER'S COMMENT: Neither paper normalized the vectors. INSTRUCTOR'S COMMENT: The problem called for "orthogonal" polynomials, not "orthonormal" ones, so technically it is correct to provide polynomials that are not of unit length; in fact, a common convention is to choose "monic" orthogonal polynomials (i.e., choose the coefficient of the highest-degree term to be equal to 1). HOWEVER, the results then will not be correct unless you divide each term in the projection formula by the square of the norm of the basis vector! For example, if v_1 is not of unit length, then the parallel part of v_2 (the projection of v_2 onto v_1) is v_1 / ||v_1||^2 , and the new basis vector orthogonal to v_1 is v_2 minus that. The details of Kathryn's calculation on p. 2 are not right (for instance, u_0 = (e^2 - 1)^{-1/2}, not (e^2 - 1)^{+1/2}). However, her exposition and organization of the overall process are very good. The algebra of a correct calculation is in fact very complicated, and I'll change this problem in the next edition of the book.