M 311 Spring 2004 HOMEWORK SUMMARY REPORT Chapter number: 6 Section number: 2 Exercise number: 8 Number of papers received: 4 Reviewing committee: Eta List all participating committee members: ..., Amanda Coots Author(s) of paper(s) chosen for publication: [Zach Olson] Comments: [A] and [B]'s papers were both completely correct, but we felt that the overall solution would benefit from a joint revision. In essence, we would like to see the conciseness of [B]'s paper combined with the clear, written-out examples of [A]'s paper. Of the other two papers submitted, one was correct [but not typed], and the other did not appear to be completely correct. GRADER'S COMMENT: In fact, all the papers except Zach's had logical errors. INSTRUCTOR'S COMMENT: I recommend looking at the old paper in the Web solutions.