M 311 Spring 2004 HOMEWORK SUMMARY REPORT Chapter number: 7 Section number: 5 Exercise number: 1 Number of papers received: 3 Reviewing committee: kappa List all participating committee members: Randall McClelland, Brian Young Author(s) of paper(s) chosen for publication: [Robinson and Zhang] Comments: Two of the three papers had correct proofs that were easy to follow. The third paper seemed like it needed just a couple more lines until it was finished. The published paper was chosen on it's attention to detail and good organization. INSTRUCTOR'S COMMENT: None of the papers was entirely adequate, but Robinson and Zhang are close. Nobody understood the hint, which called for considering TWO vector fields, related by the 90-degree-rotation operator defined on p. 341 (which is in Sec. 7.2, not 6.2 -- that's a typo in the book). This problem is essentially the same as Worked Problem 4 in Chapter 6 of the Schaum's Outline book.