M 311 Spring 2004 HOMEWORK SUMMARY REPORT Chapter number: 7 Section number: 6 Exercise number: 12 Number of papers received: 3 Reviewing committee: Gamma List all participating committee members: Patrick Barrett, Mike Shelby Author(s) of paper(s) chosen for publication: Zachary Olsen [and Raymond Waniska] Comments: We received three papers and only one was correct. Each author knew what they were doing and did the integrals correctly but somewhere along the line, two of the papers had very minute mistakes which led to the wrong answer (either by sign or by a factor of a scaler). The published paper is the only correct answer and we felt that although the paper was not typed, arriving at the correct answer deserved the publication. Slight revision could aid reader comprehension (i.e. more steps). INSTRUCTOR'S COMMENT: Raymond's typed paper is correct except for a last-minute arithmetic error, so I am asking him to revise. The hard part of this problem was getting the orientation right. Since the normal vector is supposed to point UP, as you look down on the projection of the region in the x-y plane, the boundary curve should run counterclockwise.