M 311 Spring 2004 HOMEWORK SUMMARY REPORT Chapter number: 7 Section number: 6 Exercise number: 9 Number of papers received: 6 Reviewing committee: delta List all participating committee members: Zachary Olson,Raymond Waniska Author(s) of paper(s) chosen for publication: [Kathryn Turner] Comments: there seemed to be more difficulty with this problem than usual, probably because the answer was not on the web already. Only half the papers were correct; the quantity of papers indicated that people thought this was an easy problem but were unable to solve it correctly. Several of the papers seemed very confused using spherical coordinates. INSTRUCTOR'S COMMENT: Almost everybody tried to use Gauss's theorem without completing the surface to a CLOSED one. That can be done, but it is simpler to do the surface integral directly by the parametric method (in spherical coordinates). Kathryn's paper has some minor typos, but at this late date they can be ignored.