M 311 Spring 2004 HOMEWORK SUMMARY REPORT Chapter number: 8 Section number: 1 Exercise number: 13 Number of papers received: 2 Reviewing committee: Zeta List all participating committee members: Ashley Pagnotta, K. Nicole Clark Author of paper chosen for publication: John Bosshard [and David White] Comments: Both of these papers were well done and thoroughly explained. The step by step proofs were easy to follow and correct. They managed to take a confusing problem and make it understandable. We chose John's for publication because we liked his comparison to something we could relate to (the harmonic oscillator) and his use of differential equations. We felt this made it just a little bit clearer than the other paper we received. GRADER'S COMMENT: I respectfully disagree. I think White is more understandable and uses much less space. INSTRUCTOR'S COMMENT: So, I'll post both of them. This is an important problem for everyone to understand, and there is more than one correct way to look at it.