M 311 Spring 2004 HOMEWORK SUMMARY REPORT Chapter number: 8 Section number: 2 Exercise number: 16 Number of papers received: 4 Reviewing committee: Kappa List all participating committee members: Brian Young, Scott McClelland Author(s) of paper(s) chosen for publication: K Nicole Clark Comments: Only two of the four papers had a correct solution. One paper had a simple sign error, while the other attempted to use THeorem P and forgot to include the determinate of the whole matrix as part of the sequence. While both of the correct papers were clear in their method, the one selected was better organized, easier to read, and more concise. The paper with the sign error was similarly easy to read, etc, but was of course, incorrect. INSTRUCTOR'S COMMENT: "Theorem P" is the best way to solve this problem, since finding the actual values of the eigenvalues is hard in this case. Unfortunately, the only person who tried that method did it wrong, as noted by the reviewers. (By the way, I wish you would all learn how to spell "determinant".)