M 311 Spring 2004 HOMEWORK SUMMARY REPORT Chapter number: 8 Section number: 2 Exercise number: 18 Number of papers received: 2 Reviewing committee: Eta List all participating committee members: ..., Amanda Coots Author(s) of paper(s) chosen for publication: Michael Shelby Comments: Both papers answered the question correctly and demonstrated a clear understanding of the mathematical reasoning behind the solution. Mike's paper was chosen because it was typed and also because the other author mistakenly used Matrix C from problem 8.2.19. We do, however, recommend some optional grammatical revisions. GRADER'S AND INSTRUCTOR'S COMMENT: Having both eigenvalues the same does not mean a matrix cannot be diagonalized -- consider the trivial case of the identity matrix, When a multiple eigenvalue occurs, it is necessary to CHECK whether the number of independent eigenvectors for that eigenvalue is as large as the multiplicity. Mike's last sentence should read, "Matrix C's eigenvalues are the same, but there is only one independent eigenvector, so it cannot be diagonalized." The solution on the Web makes the same mistake, but a correction is attached: http://www.math.tamu.edu/~fulling/thomson/Template/Solutions/ch8/8_2_18r.txt (so congratulations for not peeking at the answers beforehand). See also the comments on the related problem Ex. 8.1.24.