M 311 Spring 2004 HOMEWORK SUMMARY REPORT Chapter number: 8 Section number: 2 Exercise number: 4 Number of papers received: 5 Reviewing committee: epsilon List all participating committee members: c-glaser,j-bosshard Author(s) of paper(s) chosen for publication: a-coots Comments: We chose Amanda's paper, because of the depth of its explanations as well as its taking into account the b=0 case. All other papers are correct when b is not equal to zero. GRADER'S COMMENT: Nobody made the interesting observation that the eigenbasis is independent of b (except for the freedom to choose a different one when b = 0). INSTRUCTOR'S COMMENT: This exercise gives away the teacher's secret weapon for finding an exam problem that is easily solvable and is guaranteed to have a degenerate (multiple) eigenvalue. Whenever all the diagonal elements are equal and all the off-diagonal elements are equal to something else, (1,1,...,1) is always a nondegenerate eigenvector and all the vectors orthogonal to it are eigenvectors of the second eigenvalue. In nuclear physics the (1,1,...,1) solution is called the "giant dipole resonance".