Week 2 -- Sections 2.1-2.3
Short-term objectives
- Find all solutions of a system of linear algebraic equations, by
row reduction (Sec. 2.1)
- Determine whether a system has a unique solution, or no solutions.
(Sec. 2.1)
- Calculate the elementary algebraic operations on matrices (addition,
subtraction, scalar multiplication, matrix multiplication,
transposition), and recognize cases where one of them is undefined.
(Sec. 2.2)
- Translate input-output statements in economic applications into matrix
form. (Sec. 2.2)
- Calculate the inverse of a matrix (when it exists). (Sec. 2.3)
- Use the inverse matrix to solve inhomogeneous algebraic systems.
(Sec. 2.3)
Long-term objectives
- Understand the relation of the matrix operations
(algebraic and row)
to algebraic operations on linear formulas. (Sec. 2.2)
- Understand how the matrix inversion algorithm is related to the
solving of systems with the natural basis vectors as inhomogeneous
terms. (Sec. 2.3)