Mathematics 412, Sec. 501, Fall, 2004
- Announcements
- Dec. 16: Grades are posted! The median on the final was 140.
(It would be more like 130 if some of the many Q-drops were counted as zeros.)
Curve: Add 20 points.
Also, since the homework grades came out rather low,
I added another 9 points to bring the homework average to 85%.
Final stats: 6 A, 6 B, 5 C, 2 D, 2 F, 7 Q.
- Dec. 13: The final exam key is now available at the proper place below.
Grades will not be available till later in the week, because I now need to turn my
attention to my other course.
The homework "total" now entered in WebCT is based on
your best 9 assignments out of 12 (counting the first two weeks as one
assignment); median = 711. This number will be divided by 6 to get a homework
grade on the scale of 150.
The class participation score in WebCT is based on my class records plus
half a point for each time you signed the attendance sheet; median = 32.
I will add 8 to this number to get a grade on the scale of 50.
- Dec. 4: Free math! Free food!
Most recent Math Club announcement (movie)
- Nov. 29: Supercomputing
Internship announcement
- Nov. 20:No office hour next Tuesday (Nov. 23).
- Nov. 17: Homework papers #10 are available in the plastic
wall pouch next to my office door.
- Nov. 6: Another homework change:
The last homework is due Friday, Dec. 3 (not Dec. 6 as I wrote yesterday).
- Nov. 5: I moved some of the homework problems originally due
next Wednesday to the following week (Nov. 17), since the homework was
threatening to run ahead of the lectures.
The homework assignment is now complete for the semester.
- Oct. 31: Next Tuesday (Nov. 1) office hour will start late
(4:00 p.m. or slightly after).
- Oct. 27: Test Key B is now available at the proper place below.
- Oct. 11: As a general procedure, the grader intends to put
the homework solutions on file in Wisenbaker every Friday afternoon, so
you can buy them on Monday. (Thus, Week 5 is available now, and Week 6
should be available next Monday.)
- Oct. 11: Instructions for
WebCT Vista to check your
homework and test grades.
- Oct. 4: I will miss the 3:00 office hour tomorrow (Tuesday).
I expect to be in my office from 4:00 (or a bit later) to 5:00.
- Sept. 17: Information on how to get a
in mathematics, or even a double major. Most science and engineering
majors can qualify easily.
- Sept. 14: Solutions to the first homework assignment are on
sale at the copy center in the Wisenbaker Building (2nd floor).
- Instructions for
WebCT Vista to check your
homework and test grades.
- Homework assignments
- Course handout (first sheet)
- Course schedule (second sheet of
- Please see
my home page for up-to-date office hours.
- Fall 2000 course page
including exams with solutions.
- Some old demos. (I am sorry that I have not had time to update or
maintain these properly. I'll try to find time for that later.)
- Animation of moving wave packets (d'Alembert's solution).
Input only -- requires Mathematica. Do not expect George Lucas
- Introducing d'Alembert's solution:
MathLily or PDF.
- Wave reflection:
MathLily or PDF.
(MathLily files are both
valid Mathematica files and valid TeX files.)
- Convergence of Fourier series (partial sums). Maple input and
- square wave input and
- triangle wave input and
- Summability of Fourier series (Cesaro means). To be compared and
contrasted with the foregoing.
- square wave means input
- triangle wave means input and
- Eigenvalues of a Robin Sturm-Liouville problem. Maple input and
- Bessel functions and Fourier-Bessel series. Maple input and
- Evans Harrell and James Herod,
Linear Methods of Applied Mathematics
Rough correlation between the Harrell-Herod syllabus and ours:
- Block 1: HH Chapters 7, 6, 8, 3, 4, 5, 1
- Block 2: Chapters 9, [nonexistent chapter on Fourier
transforms], 20, 13 (beginning only), fragments of (15, 16, 19)
- Block 3: Chapters 2, [nonexistent chapter on Sturm-Liouville
theory], 17 (fragments), 10
- Block 4: Chapters 11, 18
- Test solutions
- Test A
- Test B
- Test C ._. Typo warning added 2015:
In the last three equations on p. 3, a factor r is missing inside
the arguments of all the Bessel functions.
- Final Exam
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Last updated Fri 13 Nov 15