First Day Student Information
Form for address
Address 1
Address 2
City, State, Zip code
Please email me immediately:
(1) your preferred email address (even if I already have it)
(2) your mailing address (even if I already have it)
(3) your phone number
For my convenience, please use the format at the right.
I would like to know more about you so request you answer the following.
If you prefer not to answer a question, you may skip it as I am not trying to
invade your privacy but just trying to get to know my students better.
What is your full time job -- e.g., teacher (what grade(s)?),
full-time student (where and major), full-time house parent, other
employment (what)?
Why have you chosen to take A Survey of Mathematical Problems I?
What do you intend to use the degree/certification, if any,
for which you are taking this course?
If there is anything else you want to tell me or think I should know,
please tell me.
Thank you for answering my questions. I look forward to working with each
of you for the semester.