Refereed Publications:
P. Binev, A. Bonito, R. DeVore, G. Petrova,
Optimal Learning, submitted
I. Daubechies, R. DeVore, N. Dym, S. Faugenbaum-Golovin, S. Kovalsky, K-C. Lin, J. Park, G. Petrova, B. Sober,
Neural Network Approximation of Ferinable Functions, IEEE Transactions of Information Theory, submitted.
G. Petrova, P. Wojtaszczyk,
On the Entropy Numbers and the Kolmogorov Widths, Pure and Applied Functional Analysis, to appear.
G. Petrova, P. Wojtaszczyk,
Lipschitz Widths, Constructive Approximation, to appear.
A. Cohen, R. DeVore, G. Petrova, P. Wojtaszczyk,
Optimal Stable Nonlinear Approximation, J. FOCM, to appear
R. DeVore, B. Hanin, G. Petrova,
Neural Network Approximation, Acta Numerica, 30 (2021), 327-444.
A. Bonito, A. Cohen, R. DeVore, D. Guignard, P. Jantsch, G. Petrova,
Nonlinear Methods for Model Reduction, M2AN Math. Model. Numer. Anal. 55(2) (2021), 507-531.
I. Daubechies, R. DeVore, S. Foucart, B. Hanin, and G. Petrova,
Nonlinear Approximation and (Deep) ReLU Networks, Constructive Approximation, 55(1) (2022), 127-172.
A. Bonito, R. DeVore, D. Guignard, P. Jantsch, and G. Petrova
Polynomial Approximation of Anisotropic Analytic Functions of
Several Variables, Constructive Approximation, 53(2) (2021), 319-348.
Z. Gao, G. Petrova,
Rescaled Pure Greedy Algorithm for Convex
Optimization, Calcolo, 56(2) (2019), article 15
S. Foucart, M. Hielsberg, G. Mullendore, G. Petrova, P. Wojtaszczyk,
Optimal algorithms for computing average temperatures, Math. Clim. Weather Forecast., 5 (2019), 34--44.
R. DeVore, S. Foucart, G. Petrova, and P. Wojtaszczyk,
Computing a Quantity of Interest from Observational Data,
Constr. Approx., 49(3) (2019), 461-508.
R. DeVore, G. Petrova, and P. Wojtaszczyk,
Data Assimilation and Sampling in Banach spaces, Calcolo, 54(3) (2017), 963--1007.
A. Bonito, A. Cohen, R. DeVore, G. Petrova, and G. Welper,
Diffusion Coefficients Estimation for Elliptic Equations, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 49(2) (2017), 1570–-1592.
P. Binev, A. Cohen, W. Dahmen, R. DeVore, G. Petrova, and P. Wojtaszczyk,
Data Assimilation in Reduced Modeling, SIAM J. on Uncertainty
Quantification, 5(1) (2017), 1--29.
G. Petrova,
Generalized Gauss-Radau and Gauss-Lobatto formulas with Jacobi weight functions, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 57(1) (2017), 191--206.
H. Nguyen, G. Petrova,
Greedy Strategies for Convex Optimization, Calcolo, 54(1) (2017), 207--224.
G. Petrova,
Rescaled Pure Greedy Algorithm for Hilbert and Banach Spaces, Appl. Comput. Harm. Analysis, 41 (2016), 852--866.
H. Nguyen, G. Petrova,
Extended Gaussian Type Cubatures for the Ball,
J. Comp. Applied Math., 290 (2015), 209--223.
D. Jimenez, G. Petrova,
On Matching Point Configurations, Constructive Theory of Functions, 141-154, 2014.
A. Cohen, R. DeVore, G. Petrova, P. Wojtaszczyk,
Finding the Minimum of a Function, Methods and Applications of Analysis, (20)4 (2013), 393--410.
R. DeVore, G. Petrova, P. Wojtaszczyk,
Greedy Algorithms for Reduced Bases in Banach Spaces,
Constr. Approx., (37)3 (2013), 455--466.
R. DeVore, G. Petrova, M. Hielsberg, L. Owens, B. Clack, A. Sood,
Processing Terrain Point Cloud Data, SIAM J. Imaging Sci.,
6(1) (2013), 1--31.
- J. Smith, G. Petrova, S. Schaefer,
Progressive Encoding and Compression of Surfaces Generated
from Point Cloud Data, Computers&Graphics (Proceedings of Shape Modeling International 2012), 36(5) (2012), 341--348.
J. Smith, G. Petrova, S. Schaefer,
Encoding Normal Vectors Using Optimized Spherical Coordinates,
Computers&Graphics (Proceedings of Shape Modeling International 2012), 36(5) (2012), 360--365.
P. Binev, A. Cohen, W. Dahmen, R. DeVore, G. Petrova, P. Wojtaszczyk,
Convergence Rates for Greedy Algorithms in Reduced Basis Methods, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 43(3) (2011), 1457--1472.
R. DeVore, G. Petrova, P. Wojtaszczyk,
Approximation of Functions of Few Variables in High Dimensions, Constr. Approx., 33(1) (2011), 125--143.
S. Bryson, Y. Epshteyn, A. Kurganov, G. Petrova,
Well-balanced Positivity Preserving Central-Upwind Scheme on Triangular Grids for the Saint-Venant System, M2AN Math. Model. Numer. Anal., 45(3) (2011), 423--446.
B. Bojanov, G. Petrova,
Quadrature Formula for Computed Tomography, J. Approx. Theory, 162(10) (2010), 1788--1792.
B. Bojanov, G. Petrova,
Quadrature formulas for Fourier coefficients, J. Comp. Applied Math., 231 (2009), 378--391.
A. Kurganov, G. Petrova,
Central-upwind schemes for two-layer shallow water equations,SIAM J. SCi. Comput., 31(3) (2009), 1742--1773.
R. DeVore, G. Petrova, P. Wojtaszczyk,
Instance-optimality in Probability with an l_1-Minimization Decoder, Appl. Comput. Harm. Analysis, 27(3) (2009), 275--288.
A. Chertock, A. Kurganov, G. Petrova,
Fast Explicit Operator Splitting Method for Convection-Diffusion Equations,
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 59 (2009), no. 3, 309--332.
J. Manson, G. Petrova, S. Schaefer,
Streaming surface reconstruction using wavelets,
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of the Symposium on Geometry Processing), 27 (2008), no. 5,
R. DeVore, G. Petrova and P. Wojtaszczyk,
Anisotropic smoothness spaces via level sets,
Commun. Pur Appl. Math., 61 (2008), no. 9, 1264--1297.
A. Kurganov, G. Petrova,
A Central-upwind scheme for landslides-generated water waves,
Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications (Lyon, 2006), 635--642, Springer, 2008.
A. Kurganov, G. Petrova and B. Popov,
Adaptive semi-discrete central-upwind schemes for nonconvex
hyperbolic conservation laws,
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 29(6) (2007), 2381--2401.
A. Kurganov, G. Petrova,
A second-order well-balanced positivity preserving central-upwind scheme
for the Saint-Venant system,
Comm. Math. Sci., 5(1) (2007), 133--160.
P. Bechler, R. DeVore, A. Kamont, G. Petrova, P. Wojtaszczyk,
Greedy wavelet projections are bounded on BV,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 359 (2007), 637--648.
A. Kurganov, G. Petrova,
Adaptive Central-Upwind Schemes for Hamilton-Jacobi Equations with Nonconvex Hamiltonians,
J. Sci. Comput., 27 (2006), 323--333.
A. Chertock, A. Kurganov and G. Petrova,
Finite-Volume-Particle Methods for Models of Transport of Pollutant
in Shallow Water, J. Sci. Comput., 27 (2006), 189--199.
A. Chertock, A. Kurganov and G. Petrova
Fast Explicit Operator Splitting Method. Application to the Polymer System,
Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Finite Volumes
for Complex Applications, Marrakech, 63--72,2005.
A. Kurganov, G. Petrova
Central-Upwind Schemes on Triangular Grids for Hyperbolic Systems
of Conservation Laws, Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations,
21(3) (2005), 536--552.
S. Bryson, A. Kurganov, D. Levy and G. Petrova
Semi-Discrete Central-Upwind Schemes with Reduced Dissipation
for Hamilton-Jacobi Equations, IMA J. Numer. Anal., 25 (2005), 113--138.
D. Dimitrov, G. Petrova
Extended cubature formula of Turan type (0,2) for the ball,
Approximation theory, A volume dedicated to Borislav Bojanov,
64-72, 2004.
S. Karni, E. Kirr, A. Kurganov and G. Petrova
Compressible Two-Phase Flows by Central and Upwind Schemes,
M2AN Math. Model. Numer. Anal., 38 (2004), no. 3, 477--493.
J. Otero, L. Dontcheva, H. Johnston, R. Worthing,
A. Kurganov, G. Petrova and C. Doering
High Raleigh Number Convection in a Fluid Saturated Porous Layer,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 500 (2004), 263--281.
G. Petrova
Cubature formulae for spheres, simplices and balls,
J. Comput. Appl. Math. 162(2) (2004), 483--496.
G. Petrova
Uniqueness of the Gaussian extended cubature for polyharmonic functions,
East J. Approx. 9 (2003), no. 3, 269--275.
R. DeVore, G. Petrova and V. Temlyakov
Best basis selection for approximation in $L\sb p$,
Found. Comput. Math. 3 (2003), no. 2, 161--185.
- G. Petrova
Cubature formulae for the sphere and the ball in $R^n$,
Proceedings volume of ``Constructive Theory of Functions'', Varna 2002,
(B. Bojanov, Ed.), DARBA, Sofia, 380-384, 2003.
S. Karni, A. Kurganov, G. Petrova
A smoothness indicator for adaptive algorithms for hyperbolic systems,
J. Comput. Phys. 178 (2002), no. 2, 323--341.
A. Kurganov, S. Noelle, G. Petrova
Semidiscrete central-upwind schemes for hyperbolic conservation
laws and Hamilton-Jacobi equations, SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 23
(2001), no. 3, 707--740 (electronic).
G. Petrova, B. Popov
Linear transport equations with mu-monotone coefficients,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 260 (2001), no. 2, 307--324.
A. Kurganov, G. Petrova
A third-order semi-discrete genuinely multidimensional
central scheme for hyperbolic conservation
laws and related problems, Numer. Math. 88 (2001), no. 4, 683--729.
- R. DeVore, G. Petrova
The averaging lemma, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 14 (2001),
no. 2, 279--296 (electronic).
- A. Kurganov, G. Petrova
Central schemes and contact discontinuities,
M2AN Math. Model. Numer. Anal. 34 (2000), no. 6, 1259--1275.
- B. Bojanov, G. Petrova
Uniqueness of the Gaussian quadrature for a ball, J.
Approx. Theory 104 (2000), no. 1, 21--44.
- G. Petrova, B. Popov
Linear transport equations with discontinuous coefficients,
Comm. Partial Differential Equations 24 (1999), no. 9-10, 1849--1873.
- B. Bojanov, G. Petrova
Numerical integration over a disc. A new Gaussian quadrature
formula, Numer. Math. 80 (1998), no. 1, 39--59.
- B. Bojanov, G. Petrova
On minimal cubature formulae for product weight functions,
J. Comput. Appl. Math. 85 (1997), no. 1, 113--121.
Nonrefereed Publications:
A. Kurganov, G. Petrova, B. Popov
Central-upwind schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws,
Proceedings of ``Iterative Methods, Preconditioning & Numerical PDEs'',
105-108, 2004.
A. Kurganov, R. Lazarov, D. Levy, G. Petrova, B. Popov
Eitan Tadmor-50, Comput. Methods Appl. Math., 4 (2004), no. 3, 265--270.
D. Dimitrov, G. Nikolov, G. Petrova
In Memoriam: Borislav D. Bojanov, East J. Approx. 15 (2009), 123 -- 142
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