Ranks in Top 500 Economists in the World

Dr. North and I , Beijing China 1995

  1. Rank: 282, Overall Ranking (the average rank on 11 publication ranking methods) of Top 1,000 Economists in years 1990-2000.
  2. Rank: 504, Top 1000 most frequently cited economists in years 1990-2000.
  3. Rank: 115, Ranking of Top 500 Economists in years 1990-2000 using Bauwens' Method
  4. Rank: 185, Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1990-2000 by number of articles
  5. Rank: 217, Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1990-2000 using Laband-Piette Adjusted Article Count
  6. Rank: 220, Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1990-2000 by number of pages
  7. Rank: 430, Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1990-2000 using Laband-Piette Article Count
  8. Rank: 460, Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1990-2000 by impact factor
  9. Rank: 247, Overall Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1989-1993
  10. Rank: 421, Overall Ranking of Top 1,000 Economists 1994-1998
  11. Rank: 363, Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1994-1998 using Laband-Piette Adjusted \# articles
  12. Rank: 436, Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1994-1998 using Bauwens' Method
  13. Rank: 457, Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1994-1998 using Laband-Piette Adjusted \# pages

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Alfred F. Chalk Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Texas A&M University



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Ranks in Top 500 Economists in the World

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