- Boundary Element Methods, Academic Press,
London, March 1992. (with G. Chen)
- Vibration and Damping in Distributed
Systems, Vol. I: Analysis, Estimation, Attenuation and Design, CRC Press,
Boca Raton, Florida, 1993. (with G. Chen)
- Vibration and Damping in Distributed Systems, Vol. II: WKB and Wave
Methods, Visualization and Experimentation, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida,
1993. (with G. Chen)
- Control of Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems,
(pdf version)., Marcel Dekker, (edited with
G. Chen and I. Laseicka)
- Boundary Element Methodsi with Applications to Nonlinear Problems,
Atlantis Press, Ansterdam-Paris, 2010. (with G. Chen)
Research Papers
- "Partial Newton-correction method for multiple fixed points of semi-linear differential operators by Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto pseudospectral method"(pdf version),, J. Sci. Comp. To appear. (with Z.X. Li and F. Zhang)
- "Local min-orthogonal principle and its applications for solving multiple solution problems", EJDE Special Issue 02(2023), 175-192. (with M. Li and B. Ji)
- "An Improved Local-Min-Orthogonal Method for Finding Multiple Solutions to Nonlinear Elliptic PDEs",J. Sci. Comp. Published online May 16, 2022. (with X. Chen and Z. Li)
- "Solving a Singularly Perturbed Neumann Problem for Multiple Solutions"(pdf version),SIAM J. Sci. Comp. 44 (2022) 501-523. (with Y. Yuan and Z. Xie)
- "A new augmented singular transform and its partial Newton-correction method for finding more solutions
to nonvariational quasilinear elliptic PDEs"(journal version), J. Comp. & Appl. Math, 376 (2020) 112821. (with Z. Li)
- "A New Augmented Singular Transform and its Partial Newton-Correction Method for Finding More Solutions"
(pdf version), J. Sci. Comp., 71 (2017) 634-665. (with Z. Li and Z.Q. Wang)
- "Solving Multiple Solution Problems: Computational Methods and Theory Revisited"
(pdf version),Communication on Applied Mathematics and Computation, 31 (2017) 1-31.
- "A Local Minimax Method Using Virtual Geometric Objects:
Part I---For Finding Saddles"(pdf version),
,J. Sci. Comp., 78 (2019) 202-225. (with Z. Li and B.B. Ji)
- "A Local Minimax Method Using Virtual Geometric Objects:
Part II---For Finding Equality Constrained Saddles"(pdf version),
,J. Sci. Comp., 78 (2019) 226-245 (with Z. Li)
- "Finding Gateaux-Saddles by a Local Minimax Method"
,NFAO, 38 (2017) 205-223. (with M. Li)
- "A Multiscale Enrichment Procedure for Nonlinear Monotone Operators"
,M2AN, 48 (2014) 475-491. (with Y. Efendiev, J. Galvis, M. Presho)
- "An Augmented Singular Transform and its Partial Newton Method for Finding Multiple Solutions"
(pdf version),JCAM, 286(2015) 145-157. (with W. Yi, and Z. Xie)
- "A new approach for numerically solving nonlinear eigensolution problems"(pdf version),J. Sci. Comp., 64 (2015) 109-129. (with C. Wang)
- "Estimate of Morse Index of Cooperative Elliptic Systems and its Application to Spatial Vector Solitons" , J. Computat. Appl. Math.281(2015) 169-181. (with X. Chen)
- "An Orthogonal Subspace Minimization Method for Finding
Multiple Solutions to Defocusing Schrodinger Equation with
Symmetries"(pdf version),NMPDE, 29(2013) 1778-1800. (with C. Wang)
- "Global Sequence Convergence of a Local MiniMax Method for Finding Multiple
Solutions in Banach Spaces"
,NFAO.32(2011) 1365-1380.
- "On Finding Multiple Solutions to a Singularly Perturbed Neumann Problem
",(pdf version)
,SIAM J. Sci. Comp., 34(2012) 395-420. (with Z.Q. Xie and Y.J. Yuan)
- "Finding Multiple Solutions to Elliptic PDE with Nonlinear Boundary
",(pdf version)
,J. Scientific Computing, 56(2013) 591-615. (with A. Le and Z.-Q. Wang)
- "A Local Min-Max-Orthogonal Method for Finding Multiple Solutions to
Noncooperative Elliptic Systems",(pdf version)
,Math. Comp. 79(2010) 2213-2236. (with X. Chen)
- "A Local Min-Orthogonal Method for Multiple Solutions of Strongly Coupled
Elliptic Systems",Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Supplement
(2009) 151-160. (with X. Chen)
- ``Numerical Methods for Computing Nonlinear Eigenpairs. Part II.
Non Iso-Homogenous Cases'', (pdf version), SIAM J. Sci. Comp. 30(2008) 937-956. (with X. Yao)
- ``On Homotopy Continuation Method for Computing Multiple Critical Points'',
(pdf version) Numer. Methods Partial
Differential Equations 24 (2008), no. 3, 728--748.(with X. Chen)
- ``A Numerical Method for Finding Multiple Co-existing Solutions to
Nonlinear Cooperative Systems'', Applied Numerical Mathematics 58 (2008), pp. 1614-1627 (with X. Chen and X. Yao)
- ``Optimization with Some Uncontrollable Variables: A Min-Equilibrium Approach'', (pdf version) Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization (JIMO). 3 (2007), 129-138.
- ``Numerical Methods for Computing Nonlinear Eigenpairs. Part I.
Iso-Homogenous Cases'', (pdf version), SIAM J. Sci. Comp., 29 (2007) 1355-1374.
(with X. Yao)
- ``Unified Convergence Results on a Minimax Algorithm for Finding
Multiple Critical Points in Banach Spaces'' (pdf version), SIAM J. Num. Anal., 45 (2007) 1330-1347. (with X. Yao)
- ``Numerical Methods for Computing Nonlinear Eigenpairs. Part III
---Using Partial Variation'', Preprint. (with X. Yao)
- ``Mathematical Analysis of a Bohr Atom Model'', J. Math. Physics, 47(2006), 022107, 23 pp.
(with G. Chen, Z. Ding, S.-B. Hsu and M. Kim)
- ``A Numerical Based Investigation on the Symmetry Breaking and Asymptotic
Behavior of the Ground States to the p-Henon Equation'',
Electron. J. Diff. Equ. , 20(2011), 1-23.
(with X. Yao)
- ``Saddle critical point analysis and computation'', (pdf version), Nonlinear Analysis, 63(2005) 1000-1009.
- ``The uniqueness of cross-validation selected smoothing parameters in
kernel estimation'', Econometric Theory.(B), 21(2005), 1017-1025. (with Q. Li)
- ``A Local Minimax Characterization for Computing Multiple Nonsmooth Saddle
Critical Points'', (pdf version), Math. Prog.(B),
104(2005), 749-760. (with X. Yao)
- ``Stabilization in computing saddle points''. Control and boundary
analysis, 281--292, Lect. Notes Pure Appl. Math., 240, Chapman & Hall/CRC,
Boca Raton, FL, 2005. (with X. Yao)
- ``A Local Minimax-Newton Method for Finding Critical Points with
Symmetries'', (pdf version) SIAM J. Num. Anal.,
42(2004), 1745-1759. (with Z.Q. Wang)
- ``A Minimax Method for Finding Multiple Critical Points in Banach Spaces
and Its Application to Quasilinear Elliptic PDE'',
(pdf version) SIAM J. Sci. Comp., 26(2005), 1796-1809. (with X. Yao)
- ``Chaotic vibration of the wave euqation with nonlinear feedback boundary
control: progress and Open questions'', in Chaos Control
(G.Chen and X.Yu, Eds.), LNCIS 292, pp. 25-50,
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2003. (with G. Chen and S. B. Hsu)
- ``Computational theory and methods for finding multiple critical points'',
(pdf version), in `Topological Methods, Variational
Methods and Their Applications', (H. Brezis, K.C. Chang, S.J. Li and
P. Rabinowitz, Eds), World Scientific, New Jersey, 2003. pp.277-287.
- ``Convergence analysis of an optimal scaling algorithm for semilinear
elliptic boundary value problems'', (pdf version),
Contemporary Math. 357(2004), American Mathematical Society, pp. 69-84.
(with G. Chen and B. G. Englert)
- ``A note on the elliptic Sine-Gordon equation'',
(pdf version), Contemporary Math. 357(2004), American Mathematical Society,
pp. 49-67. (with G. Chen, Z. Ding, C.R. Hu and W.M. Ni)
- ``Semilinear elliptic boundary value problems with nonlinear oblique
boundary conditions, a boundary element monotone iteration approach'',
Contemporary Math. 357(2004), American Mathematical Society, pp. 17-48.
(with G. Chen, Y. Deng and W.M. Ni)
- ``An efficient and stable method for computing multiple saddle points with symmetries''
(pdf version), SIAM J. Num. Anal.,
43(2005), 891-907. (with Z.Q. Wang)
- ``A local min-orthogonal method for finding multiple saddle points'',
(pdf version), JMAA, 291(2004), 66-81.
- ``Instability analysis of saddle points by a local minimax method'',
(pdf version), Math. Comp. , 74(2005), 1391-1411.
- ``Algorithms and visualization for solutions of nonlinear elliptic
equations, Part II: Dirichlet, Neumann and Robin boundary conditions and
problems in 3D'' Int. J. Bifurcation \& Chaos,
7(2001) 1781-1799. (with G. Chen, W.-M. Ni, A. Porronnet)
- ``Local characterization of saddle points and their Morse indices'',
(pdf version).
Control of Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems, Marcel Dekker. 233-252.
(with Y. Li)
- ``Nonisotropic spatiotemporal chaotic vibration of the wave equation due
to mixing energy transport and a van der Pol boundary condition'', Int. J.
Bifurcation \& Chaos, 12(2002) no. 3, 535-559. (with G. Chen and S. B. Hsu)
- ``Chaotic vibration of the wave euqation by nonlinear feedback boundary
condition'', in Control of Chaos and Bifurcation in Engineering, G.R. Chen,
ed., Chapter 7, pp. 131-154, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL., October, 1999,
(with G. Chen and S. B. Hsu)
- ``Chaotic Vibrations of an Infinite Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator
Due to a Self-Excitation Boundary Condition---Part III: Natural hysteresis
memory effects'', Int. J. Bifurcation \& Chaos, 8(1998), 447-470
(with G. Chen and S. B. Hsu)
- ``Chaotic Vibrations of an Infinite Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator
Due to a Self-Excitation Boundary Condition---Part II: Energy pumping, period
doubling and homoclinic orbits'', Int. J. Bifurcation & Chaos, 8(1998),
(with G. Chen and S. B. Hsu)
- ``Snapback Repellers as a Cause of Chaotic Vibration of the Wave
Equation with a Van Der Pol Boundary Condition and Energy Injection at the
Middle of the Span'', J. Math Physics, 39(1998), 6459-6489 (with G. Chen and S. B. Hsu)
- ``Convergence results of a local minimax method for finding
multiple critical points'',
SIAM Sci. Comp., 24(2002), 865-885. (pdf version),
(with Y. Li)
- ``A minimax method for finding multiple critical points and its
applications to semilinear elliptic PDEs'',
SIAM Sci. Comp., 23(2001), 840-865 (pdf version), (with Y. Li)
- ``Algorithms and visualization for solutions of nonlinear elliptic
equation, Part I: Dirichlet Problem'',
Int. J. Bifurcation & Chaos, (pdf version),
7(2000), 1565-1612. (with G. Chen and W.M. Ni)
- ``On the Structure of Majority Preferences'',Preprint (with Y. Li)
- ``Chaotic Vibrations of an Infinite
Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator Due to a Self-Excitation Boundary Condition---
Part III: Natural hysteresis memory effects'', Int. J. Bifurcation and
Chaos, Vol. 8(1998) (with G. Chen and S. B. Hsu)
- ``Chaotic Vibrations of an Infinite Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator Due
to a Self-Excitation Boundary Condition---Part II: Energy pumping, period
doubling and homoclinic orbits'', Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos,
Vol. 8 (1998) (with G. Chen and S. B. Hsu)
- ``Robust boundary control of the Stokes' fluids with boundary point
observations'' (pdf version),
Preprint, (with P. You)
- ``Asymptotic Equipartition of Energy by Nodal Points of an Eigenfunction'',
J. Math. Physics, 38(1997), 5350-5360, (with G. Chen and S. Fulling)
- ``Nonlinear boundary control of heat conduction in nonsmooth domain withs
with point observations, Part II: Numerical Computation and analysis'',
Preprint (with P. You)
- ``Nonlinear boundary control of heat conduction in nonsmooth domain withs
with point observations, Part I: Characterization of optimal control'',
Preprint (with P. You)
- ``The heat equation with nonlinear boundary conditions in nonsmooth
domains: A boundary integral equation approach'', , Preprint (with P. You)
- ``Boundary Element---Monotone Iteration Scheme for a Coupled
Semilinear Elliptic System'', Math. Comp. 69(1999) 629--652. (G. Chen, Y. Deng and W.M. Ni)
- ``Linear Superposition of Chaotic and Orderly Vibrations on Two Serially
Connected Strings with a van Pol Joint'', Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos,
6(1996) 1509-1527. (with G. Chen and S. Hsu)
- ``Regulatory Control Analysis with Citizen Suit Provisions'',
J. Environmental Economics and Managements, submitted July 1995.
(with C. Chang, J. Mjeld, and T. Ozuna)
- ``Optimal Boundary Control of Stokes Fluids with Point Velocity
Observations'' (pdf version),
SIAM J. Cont. Opt., 36(1998) 981-1004. (with P. You and Z. Ding)
- ``Chaotic Vibrations of an Infinite Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator
Due to a Self-Excitation Boundary Condition---Part I: A single oscillator'',
AMS Transaction, 1998 (with G. Chen and S. Hsu)
- ``Constrained LQR Problems in Elliptic Distributed Control Systems
with Point Observations---on Convergence Rates'', SIAM J. Control Opt.,
35(1997), 1739-1754 (with P. You)
- ``Constrained LQR Problems in Elliptic
Distributed Control Systems with Point Observations---Convegence Results'',
Appl. Math. Optim., 36(1997) 173-201. (with Z. Ding)
- ``Boundary Element---Monotone Iteration Scheme for Semilinear Elliptic
Partial Differential Equations'', Math. Comp., 65(1996) 943-982.
(with Y. Deng, G. Chen, and W. Ni)
- ``Constrained LQR problems governed by the potential equation on
Lipschitz domains with point observations'', J. Math. Pures Appl.,
74 (1995), 317--344. (with Z. Ding)
- ``Constrained LQR problems in elliptic distributed control systems with
pointwise observations'', SIAM J. Control Optim., 34(1996), 264-294.
(with Z. Ding and L. Ji)
- ``On the existence of equilibrium for abstract economy'',
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 193(1995),839--858.
- ``The equivalence between the wave propagation method and Bolotin's
method in the asymptotic estimation of eigenfrequencies of a rectangular
plate'', Wave Motion, 16(1992), 285-297. (with G. Chen amd M. Coleman)
- ``Visualization of special eigenmode shapes of a vibrating elliptical
membrane'', SIAM Review, 36(1994), 453--469. (with G. Chen and P. Morris)
- ``On transfer topological conditions and their applications to some
fundamental theorems in mathematics'', in review. (with G. Tian)
- ``Extension of the Zorn lemma to general nontransitive binary
relations'', J. Optimization Theory and Applications, 80(1994), 337-351.
- ``Boundary element method for shape (domain)
optimization of linear-quadratic elliptic boundary control problems'',
in Boundary Control and Variation, J.P. Zolesio ed.
Lecture Notes in pure and Applied Mathematics,
Marcel Dekker, New York, 163(1994) 27-72. (with G. Chen and R. McLean)
- ``Quasi-variational inequalities without
concavity'', J. Math. Anal. Appl., 171(1993), 289-299. (with G. Tian)
- ``Some boundary control problems and computations
for the linear elasto-static Kirchhoff plate on an exterior domain'', in
Boundary Control and Boundary Variation, J.P. Zolesio ed., Lecture Notes in
Control and Information Sciences, Springer Verlag,Berlin, 178(1992) 80--114.
(with G. Chen)
- ``Transfer method in characterizing the existence
of maximal elements for binary relations on compact or noncompact sets''
SIAM J. Opt., 2(1992), 360-375. (with G. Tian)
- ``The transfer continuities, generalization of
Weierstrass and maximum theorems: a full characterization approach'',
J. Mathematical Economics, 24(1995) 281-303. (with G. Tian)
- ``The maximum theorem and the existence of
equilibrium in abstract economies without lower semicontinuity'',
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 166(1992), 351-364. (with G. Tian)
- ``Characterizations of the existence of equilibria in games with
discontinuous and nonquasiconcave payoffs: Theory and applications'',
Review of Economic Studies, 60(1993), 935-948. (with M. Baye and G. Tian)
- ``Analysis of vibration eigenfrequencies of a thin plate by
Keller-Rubinow's wave method I: clamped boundary conditions with rectangle or
circular geometry'', SIAM J. Appl. Math., 51(1991)
967-983. (with G. Chen and M. Coleman)
- ``The wave method for determining the asymptotic
damping rates of eigenmodes (I):The wave equation on a rectangular or circular
domain'', SIAM J. Control Opt., 29(1991), 656-677. (with G. Chen)
- ``Quasi-variational inequalities with non-compact
sets'', J. Math. Anal. Appl., 160(1991), 583-595. (with G. Tian)
- ``The boundary element method for shape control of
distributed parameter elastic systems'', in ``Mechanics and Control of Space
Structures'', p.p.315-348, AIAA Progress in Aeronautics and Astronautics,
J.L.Junkins ed., AIAA, Washington, D.C., 1990. (with G. Chen)
- ``The wave propagation method for the analysis of boundary stabilization
in vibrating structures'', SIAM J. Appl. Math., 50(1990), 1254-1283.
(with G.Chen)
- ``Modelling, analysis and testing of dissipative beam joints---experiments and d
ata smoothing'', Math. Comp. Modelling, 11 (1988), 1011-1016. (with
G.Chen, S.G. Krantz, D.L. Russell, C.E. Wayne and H.H.West)
- ``Minimizing the reflection of waves by surface impedance using boundary
elements and global optimization'', Wave Motion, 10(1988), 239-255.
(with G. Chen and T. Bridges)
- ``Diagonal convexity conditions for problems in convex analysis and
quasi-variational inequalities'', J. Math. Anal. Appl., 132(1988), 213-22
(with G. Chen)
- ``Minimax methods for open-loop equilibria in N-person differential games,
Part I, Linear quadratic games and constrained games'', Proc. the Royal
Society of Edinburgh, 103A(1986), 15-34. (with G. Chen and Q. Zheng)
- ``Optimal design of microwave stepped impedance transformer'', J.
Shanghai Univ. of Sci. & Tech., 4(1985), 36-42. (with Q.Zheng and H.Wang)