Publications and Preprints


Jean-Luc Guermond, Matthias Maier, Eric J. Tovar
A high-order explicit Runge-Kutta approximation technique for the shallow water equations
Submitted, 2024
(arXiv preprint)

Martin Kronbichler, Matthias Maier, Ignacio Tomas
Graph-based methods for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws using discontinuous space discretizations, Part I: building blocks
Submitted, 2024
(arXiv preprint)

Journal publications

Matthias Maier, Dennis Corraliza-Rodriguez, Dionisios Margetis
Dyakonov-Shur instability of electronic fluid: Spectral effect of weak magnetic field
Physical Review B, Vol. 110, 2024
(arXiv preprint) DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.110.165132

Jean-Luc Guermond, Matthias Maier, Bojan Popov, Laura Saavedra, Ignacio Tomas
First-order greedy invariant-domain preserving approximation for hyperbolic systems: scalar conservation laws, and p-system
Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol. 100, 2024
(arXiv preprint) DOI 10.1007/s10915-024-02592-4

Manaswinee Bezbaruah, Matthias Maier, Winnifried Wollner
Shape optimization of optical microscale inclusions
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Vol. 46, 2024
(arXiv preprint) DOI 10.1137/23M158262X

Daniel Arndt, Wolfgang Bangerth, Maximilian Bergbauer, Marco Feder, Marc Fehling, Johannes Heinz, Timo Heister, Luca Heltai, Martin Kronbichler, Matthias Maier, Peter Munch, Jean-Paul Pelteret, Bruno Turcksin, David Wells, Stefano Zampini
The deal.II Library, Version 9.5
Journal of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 31, 2023
(preprint) DOI 10.1515/jnma-2023-0089

Matthias Maier, John Shadid, Ignacio Tomas
Structure-preserving finite-element schemes for the Euler-Poisson equations
Communications in Computational Physics, Vol. 33, 2023
(arXiv preprint) DOI 10.4208/cicp.OA-2022-0205

Bennett Clayton, Jean-Luc Guermond, Matthias Maier, Bojan Popov, Eric J. Tovar
Robust second-order approximation of the compressible Euler equations with an arbitrary equation of state
Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 478, 2023
arXiv preprint) DOI 10.1016/

Daniel Arndt, Wolfgang Bangerth, Marco Feder, Marc Fehling, Rene Gassmöller, Timo Heister, Luca Heltai, Martin Kronbichler, Matthias Maier, Peter Munch, Jean-Paul Pelteret, Simon Sticko, Bruno Turcksin, David Wells
The deal.II Library, Version 9.4
Journal of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 30, 2022
(preprint) DOI 10.1515/jnma-2022-0054

Jean-Luc Guermond, Martin Kronbichler, Matthias Maier, Bojan Popov, Ignacio Tomas
On the implementation of a robust and efficient finite element-based parallel solver for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 389, 2022
(arXiv preprint) DOI 10.1016/j.cma.2021.114250

Wei Li, Robert Lipton, Matthias Maier
Lorentz Resonance in the Homogenization of Plasmonic Crystals
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, Vol. 477, 2021
(arXiv preprint) DOI 10.1098/rspa.2021.0609

Daniel Arndt, Wolfgang Bangerth, Bruno Blais, Marc Fehling, Rene Gassmöller, Timo Heister, Luca Heltai, Uwe Köcher, Martin Kronbichler, Matthias Maier, Peter Munch, Jean-Paul Pelteret, Sebastian Proell, Konrad Simon and Bruno Turcksin, David Wells, Jiaqi Zhang
The deal.II Library, Version 9.3
Journal of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 29, 2021
(preprint) DOI 10.1515/jnma-2021-0081

Matthias Maier, Martin Kronbichler
Efficient parallel 3D computation of the compressible Euler equations with an invariant-domain preserving second-order finite-element scheme
ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing, Vol. 8, 2021
(arXiv preprint) DOI 10.1145/3470637

Jean-Luc Guermond, Matthias Maier, Bojan Popov, Ignacio Tomas
Second-order invariant domain preserving approximation of the compressible Navier--Stokes equations
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 375, 2021
(arXiv preprint) DOI 10.1016/j.cma.2020.113608

Daniel Arndt, Wolfgang Bangerth, Denis Davydov, Timo Heister, Luca Heltai, Martin Kronbichler, Matthias Maier, Jean-Paul Pelteret, Bruno Turcksin, David Wells
The deal.II finite element library: design, features, and insights
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 81, 2021
(arXiv preprint) 10.1016/j.camwa.2020.02.022

Jung Heon Song, Matthias Maier, Mitchell Luskin
Nonlinear eigenvalue problems for coupled Helmholtz equations modeling gradient-index graphene waveguides
Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 423, 2020
(arXiv preprint) DOI 10.1016/

Matthias Maier, Mitchell Luskin, Dionisios Margetis
Finite-size effects in wave transmission through plasmonic crystals: A tale of two scales
Physical Review B, Vol. 102, 2020
(arXiv preprint) DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.102.075308

Daniel Arndt, Wolfgang Bangerth, Bruno Blais, Thomas C. Clevenger, Marc Fehling, Alexander V. Grayver, Timo Heister, Luca Heltai, Martin Kronbichler, Peter Munch, Matthias Maier, Jean-Paul Pelteret, Reza Rastak, Bruno Turcksin, Zhuoran Wang, David Wells
The deal.II Library, Version 9.2
Journal of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 28, 2020
(preprint) DOI 10.1515/jnma-2020-0043

Matthias Maier, Dionisios Margetis, Antoine Mellet
Homogenization of time-harmonic Maxwell's equations in nonhomogeneous plasmonic structures
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 377, 2020
(arXiv preprint) DOI 10.1016/

Dionisios Margetis, Matthias Maier, Tobias Stauber, Tony Low, Mitchell Luskin
Nonretarded edge plasmon-polaritons in anisotropic two-dimensional materials
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Vol. 53, 2020
(arXiv preprint) DOI 10.1088/1751-8121/ab5ff9

Matthias Maier, Marios Mattheakis, Efthimios Kaxiras, Mitchell Luskin, Dionisios Margetis
Homogenization of plasmonic crystals: Seeking the epsilon-near-zero effect
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, Vol. 475, 2019
(arXiv preprint) DOI 10.1098/rspa.2019.0220

Marios Mattheakis, Matthias Maier, Wei Xi Boo, Efthimios Kaxiras
Graphene epsilon-near-zero plasmonic crystals
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication, NANOCOM '19, 2019
(arXiv preprint) DOI 10.1145/3345312.3345496

Daniel Arndt, Wolfgang Bangerth, Thomas C. Clevenger, Denis Davydov, Marc Fehling, Daniel Garcia-Sanchez, Graham Harper, Timo Heister, Luca Heltai, Martin Kronbichler, Ross Maguire Kynch, Matthias Maier, Jean-Paul Pelteret, Bruno Turcksin, David Wells
The deal.II Library, Version 9.1
Journal of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 27, 2019
(preprint) DOI 10.1515/jnma-2019-0064

Jung Heon Song, Matthias Maier, Mitchell Luskin
Adaptive finite element simulations of waveguide configurations involving parallel 2D material sheets
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 351, 2019
(arXiv preprint) DOI 10.1016/j.cma.2019.03.039

Giovanni Alzetta, Daniel Arndt, Wolfgang Bangerth, Vishal Boddu, Benjamin Brands, Denis Davydov, Rene Gassmöller, Timo Heister, Luca Heltai, Katharina Kormann, Martin Kronbichler, Matthias Maier, Jean-Paul Pelteret, Bruno Turcksin, David Wells
The deal.II Library, Version 9.0
Journal of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 26, 2018
(preprint) DOI 10.1515/jnma-2018-0054

Matthias Maier, Dionisios Margetis, Mitchell Luskin
Generation of surface plasmon-polaritons by edge effects
Communications in Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 16, 2018
(arXiv preprint) DOI 10.4310/CMS.2018.v16.n1.a4

Matthias Maier, Rolf Rannacher
A duality-based optimization approach for model adaptivity in heterogeneous multiscale problems
SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 16, 2018
(arXiv preprint) DOI 10.1137/16M1105670

Matthias Maier, Andrei Nemilentsau, Tony Low, Mitchell Luskin
Ultracompact amplitude modulator by coupling hyperbolic polaritons over a graphene-covered gap
ACS Photonics, Vol. 5, 2018
(arXiv preprint) DOI 10.1021/acsphotonics.7b01094

Matthias Maier, Marios Mattheakis, Efthimios Kaxiras, Mitchell Luskin, Dionisios Margetis
Universal behavior of dispersive Dirac cone in gradient-index plasmonic metamaterials
Physical Review B, Vol. 97, 2018
(arXiv preprint) DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.97.035307

Dionisios Margetis, Matthias Maier, Mitchell Luskin
On the Wiener-Hopf method for surface plasmons: Diffraction from semi-infinite metamaterial sheet
Studies in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 139, 2017
(arXiv preprint) DOI 10.1111/sapm.12180

Daniel Arndt, Wolfgang Bangerth, Denis Davydov, Timo Heister, Luca Heltai, Martin Kronbichler, Matthias Maier, Jean-Paul Pelteret, Bruno Turcksin, David Wells
The deal.II Library, Version 8.5
Journal of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 25, 2017
(preprint) DOI 10.1515/jnma-2017-0058

Matthias Maier, Dionisios Margetis, Mitchell Luskin
Dipole excitation of surface plasmon on a conducting sheet: finite element approximation and validation
Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 339, 2017
(arXiv preprint) DOI 10.1016/

Matthias Maier, Rolf Rannacher
Duality-based adaptivity in finite element discretization of heterogeneous multiscale problems
Journal of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 24, 2016
(preprint) DOI 10.1515/jnma-2014-0074

Matthias Maier, Mauro Bardelloni, Luca Heltai
LinearOperator - A generic, high-level expression syntax for linear algebra
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 72, 2016
(preprint) DOI 10.1016/j.camwa.2016.04.024

Wolfgang Bangerth, Denis Davydov, Timo Heister, Luca Heltai, Guido Kanschat, Martin Kronbichler, Matthias Maier, Bruno Turcksin, David Wells
The deal.II Library, Version 8.4
Journal of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 24, 2016
(preprint) DOI 10.1515/jnma-2016-1045

Wolfgang Bangerth, Timo Heister, Luca Heltai, Guido Kanschat, Martin Kronbichler, Matthias Maier, Bruno Turcksin
The deal.II Library, Version 8.3
Archive of Numerical Software, Vol. 4, 2016
(preprint) DOI 10.11588/ans.2016.100.23122

Wolfgang Bangerth, Timo Heister, Luca Heltai, Guido Kanschat, Martin Kronbichler, Matthias Maier, Bruno Turcksin, Toby D. Young
The deal.II Library, Version 8.2
Archive of Numerical Software, Vol. 3, 2015
(preprint) DOI 10.11588/ans.2015.100.18031

Preprints and Software

Manaswinee Bezbaruah, Matthias Maier, Winnifried Wollner
InverseHomogenization: shape optimization for optical metamaterials with low-dimensional interfaces
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.10459309 , 2024

Ignacio Tomas, John Shadid, Matthias Maier, Abner Salgado
Final report of activities for the LDRD-CIS project 226834 titled: Asymptotic preserving methods for fluid electron-fluid models in the large magnetic field limit with mathematically guaranteed properties
Sandia National Laboratory, 2022
(preprint) DOI 10.2172/1872178

Manaswinee Bezbaruah, Matthias Maier
deal.II step-81: A time-harmonic Maxwell solver for lower-dimensional inclusions
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7268246 , 2022

Ignacio Tomas, John Shadid, Michael Crockatt, Roger Pawlowski, Matthias Maier, Jean-Luc Guermond
Final report of activities for the LDRD-express project 223796 titled: Fluid models of charged species transport: numerical methods with mathematically guaranteed properties
Sandia National Laboratory, 2021
(preprint) DOI 10.2172/1822320

Matthias Maier, Martin Kronbichler
Ryujin: High-performance second-order colocation-type finite-element scheme for solving the compressible Euler equations of gas dynamics on unstructured meshes
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3924365 , 2020

Matthias Maier, Ignacio Tomas
deal.II step-69: A first-order hydrodynamics code for the compressible Euler equations
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3634929 , 2020

Martin Licht, Matthias Maier
Flux Reconstruction for Goal-Oriented A Posteriori Error Estimation
arXiv preprint, 2017

Matthias Maier, Mauro Bardelloni, Luca Heltai
LinearOperator Benchmarks, Version 1.0.0
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.47202 , 2016

Wolfgang Bangerth, Timo Heister, Luca Heltai, Guido Kanschat, Martin Kronbichler, Matthias Maier, Bruno Turcksin, Toby D. Young
The deal.II Library, Version 8.1
arXiv preprint, 2013

Wolfgang Bangerth, Timo Heister, Luca Heltai, Guido Kanschat, Martin Kronbichler, Matthias Maier, Bruno Turcksin, Toby D. Young
The deal.II Library, Version 8.0
arXiv preprint, 2013


Matthias Maier
Duality-based adaptivity of model and discretization in multiscale finite-element methods
Doctoral Thesis, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, 2015

Matthias Maier
Simulation von Grenzschichtströmungen über Ribletstrukturen
Diplom Thesis, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, 2011
pdf (in German)