ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4270-0510
2022 – now: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
2019-2022: Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Canada.
2016-2019: HC Wang Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
2015-2016: Junior researcher, Laboratory of Algebraic geometry and its Applications, Higher school of Economics, Moscow, Russia.
2012–2016: Postdoctoral studies, Higher School of Economics and Independent University of Moscow.
2016: Defended PhD thesis “Circle diffeomorphisms and complex dynamics”
at Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Moscow.
Doctoral advisor: Yulij S. Ilyashenko.
global bifurcations of planar vector fields;
circle dynamics;
one-dimensional complex dynamics;
polynomial foliations in С2.
2018 Prize of the Moscow Mathematical Society given to young mathematicians. For the series of works "New fractal set 'bubbles' and complex rotation numbers"
Simons foundation grant for undergraduate and doctoral students in Mathematics, 2013, 2015.
August Möbius Contest Winner in nomination “Undergraduates”, 2012.
Open Contest of research works held by Higher School of Economics, Winner in nomination “Mathematics”, 2011.
Dobrushin scholarship spring 2010 – spring 2012 (all semesters).
International Mathematical Olympiad: Gold medal, 2006 (Ukranian team)
National Ukrainian Mathematical Olympiad: diploma of 1st degree, 2003–2006.
Texas A& M University (2022-present): Differential equations MATH308; Putnam Challenge MATH490; Complex Variables MATH617, 618; Dynamical Systems and Chaos MATH614.
University of Toronto (2019-2022): Differential equations 1 MAT244 (3 times); Complex Variables MAT334.
Cornell university (2016-2019): Real analysis (6110), Dynamical systems (6260), Honors introduction to Analysis I (4130), Intro to Analysis (3110), Introduction to Differential equations(3120) – 3 times, Calculus II (1120).
"Bachelor of Arts in Economics" joint program of NES and HSE, Moscow (2013-2016): Calculus-1 (large lecture course), Introduction to modern topology (lectures and practice), Calculus-2 (practical session).
Summer school “Modern Mathematics” (Dubna, Russia), mini-courses (2010-2017): Bifurcations of planar vector fields (2017); with Yury Kudryashov: Schottky groups (2015), Arnold's cat (2013), Maps of the circle and continuous fractions (2011), Deterministic Chaos (2010).
Russian–Japanese mathematical winter school (2013), Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Mini-course “Complex rotation numbers”
Independent university of Moscow (2011), Course “Rotation numbers and moduli of elliptic curves”
Moscow State University (2011): organized the undergraduate seminar “Dynamical systems” (with A. Bufetov and O. Romaskevich).
Moscow State School #57 , High school (2011-2012): Teacher (selected topics of Calculus, Algebra, and Mathematical logic).
Semi-annual Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics, Penn State University, ``Renormalization operators and Arnold tongues'', November 2024
Geometry Topology Dynamical Systems seminar, UT Dallas, ``Renormalization operators and irrational Arnold tongues'', October 2024
Analysis seminar, Rice University, Houston, ``Renormalization operators and Arnold tongues'', February 2024
Seminário de Sistemas Dinâmicos e Teoria Ergódica, IMPA, Rio-de-Janeiro, Brazil, ``Oscillations of irrational Arnold tongues'', January 2024
7th Brazilian School of Dynamical systems, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil, ``Renormalization and Arnold tongues'', October 2023.
EDAI seminar PUC Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, ``Complex rotation numbers’’, October 2023.
Workshop on Mathematical Billiards, U T Dallas, USA, Complex rotation numbers, August 2023.
Inaugural CNAM Fields Nonlinear Days: Renormalization and Toronto, Canada, ``Renormalization and Arnold tongues'', August 2023.
Workshop ``Adventurous Berkeley Complex Dynamics’’, MSRI, Berkeley, California, ``Complex rotation numbers and renormalization’’, May 2022.
Introductory Workshop on Tame Geometry, Transseries and Applications to Analysis and Geometry, Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, Canada, ``Complex rotation numbers’’, Jan 2022.
Dynamical Systems Seminar, Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France (zoom), ``Complex rotation numbers and renormalization’’, Jan 2022.
Seminaire Teich, Institut de mathematiques de Marseille,``Nombres de rotation complexes et des jolies images dans l’espace des paramètres’’ (zoom, Dec 2021).
Dynamical systems seminar, Stony Brook university, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, “Renormalization and irrational Arnold tongues” (Oct 2021)
The Budapest-Wien Dynamics seminar (zoom, Mar 2021), ``Complex rotation numbers and bubbles’’.
Virtual Workshop Many faces of renormalization (zoom, Mar 2021; Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook University), ``Bubbles and renormalization’’
Séminaire de Systèmes Dynamiques, Institut de Mathematiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche (zoom; Jan 2021) ``Complex rotation numbers and bubbles’’.
Seminário do Grupo de Sistemas Dinâmicos, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (zoom, Nov 2020), ``Structurally unstable families of planar vector fields’’ (with Yury Kudryashov).
Geomtop Weizmann Seminar (zoom; Rehovot, Israel, 2020) ``Complex rotation numbers’’
Resistencia Dinamica (zoom; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2020) ``Complex rotation numbers’’
Analytic Low-Dimensional Dynamics: a celebration of Misha Lyubich's 60th birthday (Toronto, Canada, 2019) “Complex rotation numbers”
Meeting of the Moscow Mathematical Society (Moscow, 2018), “Complex rotation numbers and bubbles”.
Dynamical systems seminar, Stony Brook university, Institute for Mathematical Sciences (2017) “Complex rotation numbers” .
International conference “Geometric aspects of modern dynamics” (Porto, Portugal, 2016), “Complex rotation numbers”
CAPA seminar , Uppsala University (2016), “Bubbles”.
AMS - EMS - SPM joint meeting (Porto, Portugal, 2015), “Genera of non-algebraic leaves of polynomial foliations of CP^2”.
Oliver club, Cornell university (2015), “Bubbles”.
Seminario de foliaciones y singularidades UNAM, Instituto de Matemáticas (Mexico, 2014), “Complex rotation numbers”
Seminar “Sistemas Dinámicos” UNAM, Instituto de Matemáticas (Cuernavaca, 2014), “The topology of solutions of polynomial vector fields in C2”.
International conference “Spectral Theory and Differential equations” dedicated to the Anniversary of B.M.Levitan (Moscow, Russia, 2014), “Geometry of non-algebraic solutions of polynomial vector fields in CP2”.
International conference “Holomorphic foliations and complex dynamics” (Moscow, 2012), “Complex rotation numbers”.
Seminar of the Department of Differential Equations, Steklov Mathematical Institute (Moscow, 2011, 2010), “Rotation numbers and moduli of elliptic curves”.
Séminaire à l’UMPA de géométrie et dynamique, ENS Lyon (2011), “The limit behavior of complex rotation number”.
Séminaire à l’UMPA de géométrie et dynamique, ENS Lyon (2010), “The rotation number and the moduli of elliptic curves”.
ESF conference “Algebraic Methods in Dynamical Systems” (Bedlewo, Poland, 2010) Poster “The rotation number and the moduli of elliptic curves”.