MATH 166
Week-in-Review Schedule

Mondays 7pm-9pm in Blocker 158

Fall 2006, Heather Ramsey

Please print out the problem set and bring it with you to the
Week-in-Review session. I will work through these problems
first and then answer any other questions in the remaining time.

Monday Sept. 4, 2006 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 WIR #1
(with space)

WIR #1
(no space)
WIR #1
Solutions from
the live review
Monday Sept. 11, 2006 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 WIR #2 problems
(with space)

WIR #2 problems
(no space)
WIR #2
Solutions from
the live review

Note: Due to computer problems, I had to hand-write all of the problems during the live review. I short-handed some of them, so I recommend printing out a blank copy of the problems to go with these solutions.

Monday Sept. 18, 2006 Exam 1 Review Exam 1 Review
(with space)

Exam 1 Review
(no space)
Exam 1 Review
Monday Sept. 25, 2006 No Week-in-Review this Week    
Monday Oct. 2, 2006 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 WIR #4 problems
(with space)

WIR #4 problems
(no space)
Solutions from
the live WIR
Monday Oct. 9, 2006 A.1, A.2, 6.1, 6.2 WIR #5 problems
(with space)

WIR #5 problems
(no space)
Solutions from
the live WIR
Monday Oct. 16, 2006 Exam 2 Review Exam 2 Review
(with space)

Exam 2 Review
(no space)
Exam 2 Review
Monday Oct. 23, 2006 No Week-in-Review this Week
Monday Oct. 30, 2006 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 WIR #7 problems
(with space)

WIR #7 problems
(no space)
Solutions from
the live WIR
Monday Nov. 6, 2006 7.5, 7.6, 8.1 WIR #8 problems
(with space)

WIR #8 problems
(no space)
Solutions from
the live WIR
Monday Nov. 13, 2006 Exam 3 Review Exam 3 Review
(with space)

Exam 3 Review
(no space)
Solutions from
the live WIR
Monday Nov. 20, 2006 No Week-in-Review this Week
Monday Nov. 27, 2006 8.5, 8.6 WIR #10 problems
(with space)

WIR #10 problems
(no space)

We had some technical difficulties Monday night, so I simply scanned my notes. However, since my notes are double-sided, the pages scanned out of order. In this .pdf file, the pages are in the order 1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6.

Monday Dec. 4, 2006 9.1, 9.2, 9.4 WIR #11 problems
(with space)

WIR #11 problems
(no space)
Solutions from
the live WIR
Thursday Dec. 7, 2006
Blocker 102
Final Exam Review Final Exam Review
(with space)

WIR #11 problems
(no space)

Correction from the live review: At the live review, I originally worked problem #10 as if it had asked for a probability. The problem, as I originally wrote it, actually asked for the number of ways (NOT the probability) the event could happen. On the answer key, you will find that I have changed the question to ask, "What is the probability that these 6 people exit the elevator with at least 2 people exiting on the same floor?" Changing the question then makes the work shown below it correct.

© Copyright 2006    Heather Ramsey - All Rights Reserved