Md Mojibur  Rahman Redoy Akanda

Ph.D. Student | SPIES Lab at Texas A&M University, 
College Station


I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science under the supervision of Prof. Nitesh Saxena at SPIES Lab, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA. 

I started my PhD in Spring 2022, and my research interests align with the security of authentication systems for diverse groups, such as blind and visually impaired users. Additionally, I am working on AR/VR security. I have published several papers in prestigious journals, conferences, and book chapters. Additionally, I have several ongoing projects that are in progress and on track for submission.

Recent News

Poster Accepted in MobiHoc 2023
October 23, 2023

Paper Accepted in ACM CCS 2023
September 2, 2023