Borel structures on compact convex sets, J. London Math. Soc. (2), 16 (1977), 99-111.
L-ideals and numerical range preservation, Illinois J. Math., 21 (1977), 365-373. (with C. Chui, P. Smith and J. Ward)
The R-Borel structure on a Choquet simplex, Pacific J. Math., 73 (1977), 221-226.
M-ideal structure in Banach algebras, J.Functional Analysis, 27 (1978), 337-349. (with J. Ward)
Spectral theory for universal caps, J. London Math. Soc. (2), 17 (1978), 119-128.
An addendum to: "M-ideal structure in Banach algebras" J. Functional Analysis, 32 (1979), 269-271.
On non-unital Jordan-Banach algebras, Math. Proc.Cambridge Philos. Soc., 82 (1977), 375-380.
M-ideals in B(l_p), Pacific J. Math., 81 (1979), 227-237. (with J. Ward)
Applications of convexity and M-ideal theory to quotient Banach algebras, Quart. J. Math. Oxford Ser. (2), 30 (1979), 365-384. (with J. Ward)
On Banach algebra elements of thin numerical range, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 86 (1979), 71-83.
Matrix ranges for Hilbert space operators, Amer. J. Math., 102 (1980), 1031-1081. (with J. Ward)
Locally isometric liftings from quotient C*-algebras, Duke Math. J., 47 (1980), 621-631. (with J. Ward)
The geometric structure of generalized state spaces, J.Functional Analysis, 40 (1981), 170-184. (with J. Ward)
The numerical range in the second dual of a Banach algebra, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 89 (1981) 301-307.
A note on polynomial operator approximation, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 88 (1983), 491-494. (with J. Ward)
Completely bounded maps between C*-algebras, J. London Math. Soc. (2), 27 (1983), 157-166.
M-structure in the Banach algebra of operators on C_0(\Omega), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 281 (1984), 233-242. (with P. Flinn)
Completely contractive factorizations of C*-algebras, J. Functional Analysis, 64 (1985), 330-337.
Finite rank operators with large trace, Israel J. Math., 51 (1985), 262-272. (with D. Lewis)
The decomposition property for C*-algebras, J. Operator Theory, 16 (1986), 51-74. (with D. Williams)
Multilinear maps and tensor norms on operator systems, J. Functional Analysis, 73 (1987), 258-276. (with V. Paulsen)
Separable injectivity for C*-algebras, Indiana Univ. Math. J., 37 (1988), 111-133. (with D. Williams)
Completely bounded multilinear maps and Grothendieck's inequality, Bull. London Math. Soc., 20 (1988), 606-612.
Schur products and matrix completions, J. Functional Analysis, 85 (1989), 151-178. (with V. Paulsen and S. Power)
Liftings and extensions of maps on C*-algebras, J. Operator Theory, 21 (1989), 117-131. (with G. Robertson)
Extension problems for maps on operator systems, Mappings of operator algebras (Philadelphia, PA, 1988), Progr. Math., 84, Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, MA, 1990, pp. 265-273.
Cohomology for operator algebras: cones and suspensions, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3), 65 (1992), 175-198. (with F. Gilfeather)
Completely bounded module maps and the Haagerup tensor product, J. Functional Analysis, 102 (1991), 156-175.
The dual of the Haagerup tensor product, J. London Math. Soc. (2), 45 (1992), 126-144. (with D. Blecher)
Cohomology for operator algebras: joins, Amer. J. Math., 116 (1994), 541-561. (with F. Gilfeather)
Operator algebras with arbitrary Hochschild cohomology, Contemp. Math., 120 (1991), 33-40. (with F. Gilfeather)
The central Haagerup tensor product and maps between von Neumann algebras, J. Functional Analysis, 112 (1993), 97-120. (with A. Chatterjee)
Cohomology for operator algebras, Proc. Internat. Workshop on Elementary Operators, (1992), 189-195. (with F. Gilfeather)
Elementary operators and the Haagerup tensor product, Proc. Internat. Workshop on Elementary Operators, (1992), 233-241.
Open problems, Proc. Internat. Workshop on Elementary Operators, (1992), 249-251. (with J. Eschmeier, L. Fialkow, R. Harte, B. Magajna, M. Mathieu)
The ideal structure of the Haagerup tensor product of C*-algebras, J. Reine Angew. Math., 442 (1993), 111-148. (with S. Allen and A. Sinclair)
Schur products and completely bounded maps on the hyperfinite type II_1 factor, J. London Math. Soc. (2), 52 (1995), 594-604. (with F. Pop)
Cohomology for certain finite factors, Bull. London Math. Soc., 26 (1994), 303-308. (with F. Pop)
On the cohomology groups of certain finite von Neumann algebras, Math. Ann., 307 (1997), 71-92. (with E. Christensen, F. Pop and A. Sinclair)
The Haagerup invariant for von Neumann algebras, Amer. J. Math., 117 (1995), 441-456. (with A. Sinclair)
Cartan subalgebras of finite von Neumann algebras, Math. Scand., 85 (1999), 105-120. (with A. Sinclair)
An embedding invariant for operator spaces, C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada, 16 (1994), 263-267. (with F. Pop)
The Haagerup invariant for tensor products of operator spaces, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 120 (1996), 147-153. (with A. Sinclair)
Hochschild cohomology of von Neumann algebras, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 203 Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995. (with A. Sinclair)
Cohomology for operator algebras: the Mayer-Vietoris sequence, J. Functional Analysis, 148 (1997), 1-27. (with F. Gilfeather and F. Pop)
Higher-dimensional virtual diagonals and ideal cohomology for triangular algebras, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 349 (1997), 1919-1943. (with A. Paterson)
Derivations and automorphisms of certain operator algebras, Quart. J. Math. Oxford, 50 (1999), 437-456. (with F. Gilfeather)
Factorization of completely bounded bilinear operators and injectivity, J. Functional Analysis, 157 (1998), 62-87. (with A. Sinclair)
The completely bounded approximation property for discrete crossed products, Indiana Univ. Math. J., 46 (1997), 1311-1321. (with A. Sinclair)
Hochschild cohomology for von Neumann algebras with Cartan subalgebras, Amer. J. Math., 120 (1998), 1043-1057. (with A. Sinclair)
The Hochschild cohomology problem for von Neumann algebras, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 95 (1998), 3376-3379. (with A. Sinclair)
Cohomology for finite index inclusions of factors, J. Operator Theory, 44 (2000), 335-345. (with A. Sinclair).
Finite dimensional injective operator spaces, Proc. A.M.S., 128 (2000), 3461-3462.
Norming C*-algebras by C*-subalgebras, J. Functional Analysis, 175 (2000), 168-196. (with F. Pop and A. Sinclair).
Approximation properties for crossed products by actions and coactions, Internat. J. Math., 12 (2001), 595-608. (with M. Nilsen)
Diagonals in tensor products of operator algebras, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc., 45 (2002), 647-652. (with V. Paulsen)
Strongly singular masas in type II1 factors, Geom. and Funct. Anal., 12 (2002), 199-216. (with A. Sinclair)
The laplacian masa in a free group factor, Trans. A.M.S., 355 (2003), 465-475. (with A. Sinclair)
Hochschild cohomology of factors with property $\Gamma$, Ann. of Math., 158 (2003), 597-621. (with E. Christensen, F. Pop and A. Sinclair)
One-sided projections on C*-algebras, J. Operator Theory, 51 (2004), 201-219. (with D. Blecher and V. Zarikian)
Crossed products and entropy of automorphisms, J. Funct. Anal., 206 (2004), 210-232. (with C. Pop)
Strong singularity for subalgebras of finite factors, Internat. J. Math., 14 (2003), 235-258. (with G. Robertson and A.M. Sinclair)
Property $\Gamma$ factors and the Hochschild cohomology problem, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 100 (2003), 3865-3869. (with E. Christensen, F. Pop and A. Sinclair)
Perturbations of subalgebras of type II1 factors, J. Funct. Anal., 213 (2004), 346-379. (with S. Popa and A. Sinclair)
Corrigendum to "Perturbations of subalgebras of type II1 factors", J. Funct. Anal., 235 (2006), 355-356. (with S. Popa and A. Sinclair)
A survey of Hochschild cohomology for von Neumann algebras, Contemp. Math., 365 (2004), 383-400. (with A. Sinclair)
Representations of group algebras in spaces of completely bounded maps, Indiana Univ. Math. J., 54 (2005), 873-896. (with N. Spronk)
The completely bounded approximation property for extended Cuntz-Pimsner algebras, Houston J. Math., 31 (2005) 829--840. (with K. Dykema)
The Pukánszky invariant for group von Neumann algebras, Illinois J. Math., 49 (2005) 325--343. (with A. Sinclair)
Values of the Pukánszky invariant in free group factors and the hyperfinite factor, J. Funct. Anal., 240 (2006) 373--398. (with K. Dykema and A. Sinclair)
Strong singularity of singular masas, Illinois J. Math., 51 (2007) 1077-1084. (with A. Sinclair, S. White and A. Wiggins)
Cones arising from C*-subalgebras and complete positivity, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 145 (2008) 121-127. (with F. Pop)
Generators of II1 factors, Operators and Matrices, 2 (2008) 555-582. (with K. Dykema, A. Sinclair, S. White)
Normalizers of irreducible subfactors, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 352 (2009) 684-695. (with S. White and A. Wiggins)
Finite von Neumann algebras and masas, Cambridge University Press London Lecture Note Series, vol. 351, 2008. (with A. Sinclair)
Groupoid normalizers of tensor products, J. Funct. Anal., 258 (2010), 20-49. (with J. Fang, S. White and A. Wiggins)
On the cohomology groups of certain von Neumann algebras with coefficients in K(H), Proceedings of the Timisoara 2008 operator theory conference, pp. 125--133 (2010), The Theta Foundation, Bucharest. (with F. Pop)
Perturbations of C*-algebraic invariants, Geom. Funct. Anal., 20, (2010), 368-397. (with E. Christensen, A. Sinclair and S. White)
Perturbations of nuclear C*-algebras, Acta Math., Acta Math., 208 (2012) 93-150. (with E. Christensen, A. Sinclair, S. White and W. Winter)
The spatial isomorphism problem for close separable C*-algebras, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 107 (2010), 587-591. (with E. Christensen, A. Sinclair, S. White and W. Winter)
Groupoid normalizers of tensor products: infinite von Neumann algebras, J. Operator Theory, 69 (2013), 545–570. (with J. Fang and S. White)
Vanishing of second cohomology for tensor products of type II1 von Neumann algebras, J. Funct. Anal., 258 (2010), 2695-2707. (with F. Pop)
The relative weak asymptotic homomorphism property for inclusions of finite von Neumann algebras, Internat. J. Math., Internat. J. Math., 22 (2011) 991-1011. (with J. Fang and M. Gao)
C*-algebras nearly contained in type I algebras, Canad. J. Math., 65 (2013) 52-65. (with E. Christensen, A. Sinclair, and S. White)